Chapter 20

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"Oh wow, I had no idea you guys were for real together I thought Emily was just trying to start a rumor for personal entertainment...Jackson how come you never told me when we met I would've warned you on how much of an Idiot Drew is!"
He stood up hitting the table with a fist
"Excuse you little miss personal! Just because I fucked up one time at Uncle Joey's stupid party doesn't give you the right to talk about it!" She stuck her tongue out at him earning her a dirty look, He grabbed both her cheeks and she whined they seem rather close and I really want to ask about it but Simon won't stop staring at me like he was worried about what I'm going to say. I haven't said anything about him cheating on me to his girlfriend and honestly, I don't plan to why would I mess up someone else's relationship when I have one myself I'm not that bitchy "Blue, Leave her alone it's rude to hurt girls...But the question are you two related?" Drew let go of Jackie's cheeks both of them sitting while saying "Family Friend." I honestly thought they were something closer like cousins maybe.
"She had a crush on me in like the eighth grade so I came out to her and she called me an idiot for not loving her for some reason so now it's just a nickname to also remind me of the day I was at my uncle's party and accidentally kissed her."
"Whoa Whoa Whoa Back up, You've kissed him?! You told me that I-" Simon grabbed Jackie's arm and she gave him an awkward smile. "Well I didn't want to say my first kiss was actually with my childhood friend who I used to have a crush on, That's weirdeee!" Drew took my hand into his moving them both onto the table while I blushed, he sighed looking directly at Simon, It was obvious that he doesn't like him and I understand that his friend is dating the guy who cheated on me and her I wonder why he hasn't said anything about it yet, Maybe he won't?
"But enough about me and Drew, You guys are a couple? I thought you were straight Jackson, You used to fit the part I would've gone for you if you were more social."
I laughed and Jackie lifted her phone checking the time before standing to her feet "You've got to tell me more some other time, I've got a meeting to attend! I love you, babe, See you guys around!" She kissed Simon on the cheeks before running off just like the day she informed me about their relationship, once she was out of sight I stood up getting ready to leave before Drew said "You find your way around huh Mr. Perfect? You cheated on my boyfriend for my childhood friend, What a world we live in~" he's teasing?
"I'd appreciate it if you would call me by my name. And you have nothing to do with it so mind your business."
"Awe, Did I strike a nerve in you? That didn't take much at all I'm unimpressed~"
"SHUT UP." Simon punched the table I could see the blood dripping from his knuckles as he looked down in shame, He's messed up. Drew laughed a cocky smile spreading across his lips, I pressed my lips together before slapping him on the back of his head I heard the contact from his head and the table as well, Simon looked up a bit shocked, and Drew shot up grabbing my wrist "OW?!? Why'd you do that!?! You hit so hardddd agh!!" Drew whined letting go of my wrist and rubbing the tap of his head mainly I didn't want to hit him in the first place but then again If I didn't stop his teasing who knows what could've happened I'm just making a hunch but Drew seemed to like testing people to their limits it's like he's itching to pick a fight with someone—that "someone" being Simon of all people "Listen, Drew, Try not to cause any trouble here, especially with Simon I'd rather have nothing to do with him but if you start picking a fight and you two pick up some sort of dumb rivalry all because YOU wanted to tease him, I'm seriously going to lose it." I glared at him and he dropped his head beginning to mumble something to himself, he's like a little kid who just got a lecture from their parents for doing something wrong "Simon."
"Ah, Yes..?" He looked at me a bit scared but I just stared at him "Come with me, You too babe."
I grabbed my bag before walking off. It didn't take Drew a second later to follow me but Simon hesitated a bit "Why is he coming with us? You're definitely up to something...Do you still love-" I put my finger over his mouth before he could finish his sentence if he says that I might just throw up "No. way. He hurt his hand so I'm going to wrap it for him, But I want him to explain himself before I cut him off officially." Drew looked at me a bit lost but after a few seconds, he held my hand lightly kissing it with a smile that made me smile.


Drew had gone out to use the restroom and the room was silent as I looked around the nurse's office to see if she had any bandages lying around, which no luck so far.

I hummed.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry...I know I shouldn't have agreed to date her while I was with you but I just...I couldn't pick."

"Simon, Listen you have your love life and I have mine it's not my fault that you couldn't make up your mind and pick who you wanted to be with but now you don't need to pick at all because I'm moving on from you by a long shot. This is the last time we'll be speaking, I'm changing all my classes with you. If you won't give me up I'll just have to give you up." There was a long silence.

"...Jackson you can't be serious, right? Do you feel nothing for me at all, not even a little love?!? Did you even love me in the first place or am I the only one hurt by this fighting, Ever since you met that Drew kid you've been acting so differently, you aren't even going to try and understand things from my point of view. You aren't even thinking about me anymore, You've gone around letting everyone know your sexuality and doing nothing about it?!? You're making it seem like Drew is the love of your life just after a couple of days!?! I'm starting to think you'd fall all head over heels for any guy just because of his looks, there is no way you could love Drew more than you ever did with me just after a few days it's impossible. You're treating me like I was only a pawn in your stupid game—life, it's so selfish-"
"Shut up." I hit him, I hit him really hard. I'm crying again...but I'm not sad I'm just so upset.

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