Chapter 22

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"One, Two, Three, Up! Three, Two, One, Drop, Pose, And freeze...Hm. Ocean when you come back down arch your back a bit more and face your feet forwards so it'll look like you're the other half of Niva, Niva, when You face the audience, try to smile more Hunny." Ocean nodded while Niva hid her face behind her pom poms, I can't believe it's already Friday so far Cheer had been going great, I've met everyone on the team and we all get along for the most part and none of us are too serious about this even the couches, their saying is "We don't want to suck and we want to win but overall we want to make memories." Which I think Is a great thing to live by I mean if you're too serious some people could lose interest as fast as a genie could snap their fingers "Jackson!"
"Ah-! Y-Yes..?" Mrs. Taylor stared at me before chucking to herself and I hear a few other people laughing behind me I really need to stop spacing out in the middle of practice this has happened multiple times. "You're so cute, But can you demonstrate the way you'll flip around the gym I want to see if it'll be possible to do something a little more special." I nodded and Mr. Alan called me over with his hand from behind while Mrs. Taylor gathered up everyone else I can already tell this is going to be embarrassing "Alright so the assembly will be on Monday to promote the Halloween dance since it will be occurring that following night, The thing is we need costumes and since you are the cheer captain not only will you have the most attention but you will also have to stand out so which would you prefer?" Mr. Alan held out two photos both was the same Color scheme which was black and green with a little white so you'd still be able to see the number one option was a Black crop top with green lines around the chest with my number painted in the middle with normal black pants and the other was looked just like my original outfit but just different colors "JACKSON HURRY WE HAVE 5 MINUTES AND WE HAVE TO RUN THIS ONE MORE TIME BEFORE THEY CLOSE THE K&Q!" Mrs. Taylor was aggressively swinging her arm to tell me to come over there and Mr. Alan just stared at her like she was a crazy woman before patting me on the back "Go ahead just email m-"
"I'll go with number one, I'll come back though!" I smiled at him running to the other side of the gym before shaking up a little to make sure I was okay I'm not sure exactly what she wants me to do if she likes how I do this but I seriously hope it's not anything that will make me embarrass myself. I took a deep breath before doing the first flip, What I do in the Assembly near the end is a simple back flip but after that, it turns into multiple backs bends twelves to be exact once I finish that I run back into the middle we build towers once the towers disassemble we end in our pose- it sounds way more complicated then it actually is coming from a bunch of people who have been doing cheer or gymnastics basically all their life but it goes really fast and I just did what I was told while I did so A few other people even wowed me which is embarrassing even though I should be used to this by now it's still a little embarrassing.
"WOOOOOO JACKSON!!!" That was definitely Samanta...Or Sam yes they sound the same and yes they look the same but they don't exactly act the same, at the same time sometimes they do all I know is that it's one of them. "Okay so that is perfect, I don't want you to change that alright?"
"Yeah okay." I nodded.
"Now when you run back to build the tower I want to have a pair of pom-poms waiting here for you-" she moved back to the middle of the gym. "-So do you think it would be possible if you could give yourself pom-poms and still be able to do what you do I want to see what that looks like and if I don't like it just forget I said anything."
I laughed but smiled to hide that before humming "Mmh, Yes ma'am," I think I understood what she was trying to say but If I didn't she'll just correct me so I guess it doesn't exactly matter, She clapped her hands causing everyone to run into their starting positions "Alright from the top one more time we have three minutes after this we can go home woo ho! We'll be using the music so Alan please play that! Pretend like we're actually in the assembly now!"
Saying that Annabel threw two pom poms in front of me almost tripping as she ran back to her spot we both tried not to laugh but she just placed her finger in front of her mouth before the music started, Just one more time from the topp.


My side is killing me, maybe I should take a bath once I get home. I walked to the front of the school where I saw my dad's car parked and so I got in instantly sighing "Yo."
"Pfft- Haha! Did your dad not tell you I was picking you up? You get scared so easily~" I clenched my heart lowing myself in the seat before we began to drive off I honestly wasn't expecting him to pick me up—I forgot he was going to be the one picking me up a fun fact about my uncle is that he got a job and moved into an apartment nearby my house with the help of my parents and so thankfully I don't have to share my room ever again but at the same time I'm surprised he's actually doing something with his life I haven't been at home much lately so maybe they talked while I was at school or out with Drew.
"When will your family be able to see you cheer on an official team again, I remember when you were little you sucked but you were better than most of those small-ass kids."
"...Thank- Thank you??? Wait was that a compliment or am I getting the wrong Idea?" He shrugged turning up the radio, People can change but some of their habits can not, Ace has a habit of absolutely blasting his music whenever he is in a car I might just lose all rights to hear.

"And so that's how it went, I can't wait to see you tomorrow...I just want to hug you so bad!!!"
Drew chuckled getting into his bed from what I could hear even though we see eachother basically every day I still like to call him and tell him about my day at practice while he tells me what he's been doing at home, now that we share a few classes- all expect two, I'm so used to being around him that whenever I'm not I just feel clingy pretty sure he likes that about me though  "You have to be the most adorable guy I have ever met, But I seriously can't wait for tomorrow either I'm going to be 18...Won't that mean it's illegal for me to date you? Or does that not count because like I'm still in school and you are tooooo?"
"...I don't, Think soooo?"
"Eh whatever the law could never stop our undying love don't worry my loveee~" he lifted his voice it was so high pitched I couldn't help but laugh. I'm in love with a complete idiot.

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