BASTARD: chapter eight [part two]

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When I wake up a groan escapes my lips and my hand moves to grip my head.

What the hell happened?

The sun shines through a window and I pause before looking around. Just where the fuck was I? The room was white and judging by the equipment, it was a hospital room. A frown falls onto my face. Pushing away my newfound hatred towards hospitals, I try to remember just where was I and how did I get here.

My memories from the previous night are foggy and the only thing I can remember is leaving my pack and running into the rogue. But this can't be my pack. If it was, Gray would've been here by now.

My head turns to the side and I notice that the rogue from before is also laying in a bed identical to my own. What the hell?

I get out of bed and move towards the door, but as I try to turn it I notice it's locked. A scowl forms and I move toward the window which is also locked. Before I get the chance to try and figure out how to get out of the room, the door opens and a man enters the room. Brown eyes meet my mismatched ones and the man's lips form an unsettling grinch-like smile.

I instantly glare at him.

"You're awake!" The man says cheerfully as he walks towards me, not bothered by glare in the slightest. "How are you feeling? Nothing hurts, right?" His hand reaches out to touch my forehead, but I slap it away before he can do it.

His creepy smile falters slightly, but my glare only increases.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask, my voice hoarse from the lack of water.

His smile returns to its grinch-like state. "Sorry, I got ahead of myself. I'm Raiden and you are?"

He stares at me expectantly, waiting patiently for a response. I continue to glare at him, but make no move to answer his question. We continue to stare at each other for a few minutes before he realizes that he's not going to get an answer out of me.

"Where the hell am I?" I ask instead.

The man—Raiden's— mouth opens to answer my question, but the door opens once again and three more people enter the room. Two men and a woman step inside and Raiden's mouth closes before he turns around toward them.

"Good, he's awake," one of the men says. His green eyes look me up and down before he nods. "Go on, Reo."

The other man, Reo, moves forward and his light brown eyes seem to darken. He moves towards me and I attempt to move away, but it's as if some invisible force is holding me in place. As I try to force my body to move, Reo moves closer. He almost reaches me before Raiden moved in front of me and lets out a low growl. 

"Raiden, what are you doing?" The woman asks sharply. Her eyes narrow at Raiden in warning, but he holds his ground.

"Don't erase his memory," Raiden pleads to the green-eyed man.

"He's human," Reo cuts in, his voice showing his annoyance.

Reo attempts to move and Raiden lets out another warning growl. Reo returns the act with a growl of his own and my brows furrow in confusion.

Just what the hell did I wake up to?

Am I even awake?

And who's human?

The two continue to glare at each other before Raiden finally speaks up.

"He's my mate."


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