BASTARD: chapter nineteen

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"We don't need you here, Mars," Maia says.

Mars' grin grows and he leans further into the couch. "As I said, Rai asked me to come here so I'll stay until he gets back."

His words are calm, but it's clear by the way Maia stares at him that there's more to be said. Her eyes cloud over and his do the same, indicating that the two are talking through the link. Annoyance washes over me, knowing that I can't understand what they're saying.

Even before I was taken, I had never experienced what the mind link was like. It was something that I had desperately wanted to try as a child after seeing Gray use it multiple times, but when I lost my wolf that dream died also.

There was a lot that I wasn't able to experience like normal wolves when I came back. Gray tried to make up for the lost time when I first came and he would take me to all these different places, but we both quickly realized that there was a lot I wouldn't be able to do around the pack that most wolves my age would. He did still try to accommodate me, but after a while, I was tired of being reminded that I was a broken wolf.

Shaking my head, I push the memories away and glance around the room. Mars remained in his seat, but Maia was no longer there. My brows furrow and I begin to ask where she had disappeared to, but the sound of the bathroom door closing answers my question.

As if on cue, Mars' laidback smile drops and he sits up straight before turning to me. No words leave his mouth as he eyes me up and down and I find myself unintentionally tensing under his gaze.

"What?" I ask him with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Do you like Raiden?" He asks.

"What?" I reply, the question catching me off guard.

Mars continues to stare at me. His eyes meet mine and they're completely serious. His brow raises and he rests his hands on his knees.

"Do you like Raiden?" He repeats.

Why was he asking me this?

"That's none of your business," I tell him with a scowl.

Still, my mind involuntarily drifts off to the man who claims to be my mate and I can feel my face heating up.

Mars shrugs at me. "You're right, it's not any of my business, but I've been seeing Raiden struggle because of you. He wants to learn more about you and get closer to you but only manages to get yelled at in the process. Yet he doesn't want to say anything because he doesn't want to scare you off."

I frown at his words.

"Raiden tends to bottle things up and hide behind a smile, which I'm sure you know by now. Do you really think snapping at him every time he asks a question you don't like is doing either of you any favors?"

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