BASTARD: chapter twenty-three

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When I wake up, to my surprise, Raiden is still asleep. Usually, I'm asleep before Raiden and he wakes up before me. But after we dropped Nara off when we came back, Raiden almost immediately fell asleep.

I guess after running around all day he got tired.

When I leave the room and make my way down the hall, I pause. Normally, this would be a good chance to search the house for items, but I didn't really need anything else. I could take my bag and sneak off when the time was right, and there have been multiple chances to, but I keep hesitating.

Ever since I got here, the one thing that's been on my mind is leaving. Leaving this pack and werewolves in general behind, but the closer I get to Raiden, the more I hesitate.

It would crush him if I left — I knew that. Still, I didn't know if I could stay here. This pack didn't feel like a home to me and honestly, I doubt there will ever be one that truly will. Where Raiden thrives with people and is easy to talk to, I'm the opposite. It was easy for him to blend in, but I tended to stick out.

I knew that it didn't matter to him, but it felt like just being here was bringing him more trouble than it was worth. I knew that if I planned to leave then I needed to stop and get rid of the feelings I had developed for him, but the more I thought about it, the more I didn't know.

While I didn't feel at home in the pack, when I was with Raiden it did feel like a home. Sure he didn't know much about me, but he didn't let that stop him from trying to get close to me. He didn't let my attitude scare him away and he always stayed by my side.

As much as I wanted to deny it, I could see myself building a home with Raiden and the thought of that scared me.

Running my hand through my hair, I shake my head and quickly slip on some shoes. This was the last way I want to spend my morning worrying about.

I unlock the door and step out of the house. Even though I technically wasn't allowed to leave the house without Raiden, I didn't care. It wasn't like I would be going across the pack lands, it was just a walk to clear my mind.

Stuffing my hands into the pockets of my sweatpants, I begin to take off. With it being early in the morning and Raiden's house being further away from others, there weren't many people out. It was times like this that I enjoy the most.

I know I can't stay out too long. Knowing Raiden, he'd be up soon and would have a heart attack if I wasn't there. As much as I did enjoy messing with him, I don't want him to drop dead.

"Cloud?" A voice calls out, causing me to stop. My brows furrow in confusion as I slowly turn around. The only one who would call out to me is Mars and that definitely isn't his voice, though it does sound familiar.

When I turn around, Raiden's parents stand in front of me. His Dad's face is blank as he looks me up and down, and his mother forces a smile on her face and waves at me.

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