BASTARD: chapter twenty-five [part one]

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To say Beta Reo was less than enthusiastic about having to join Raiden and I would be an understatement. Not that I could say I didn't feel the same way about him coming. He was the last one I want to be around.

Raiden and I sat outside in Raiden's car as Alpha Tatum and Beta Reo "talked". Though I couldn't hear it, I highly doubt that it was just a talk judging from the beta's face when he heard the news.

"How long are we going to have to wait out here?" I grumble to Raiden. It wasn't like I was dying to go back to the Dark Woods Pack, but I was more than ready to get Alpha Demos and Raiden's parents off my back.

"Be patient," Raiden teases, a small smile has taken residence on his face, but I can still see just how worried he is even if he tries to mask it.

I want to take his mind off of everything. He shouldn't be that nervous, hell, he shouldn't even be in this situation.

"You know, I understand why Beta Reo isn't mated despite his personality being oh-so-charming, but you said Alpha Tatum has a mate. Why haven't I seen them around?"

Instead, my words seem to have the opposite effect and Raiden's smile drops slightly. "It's...complicated."

"What do you—"

"It's a sore subject," Raiden interrupts. "If you want to know more about it, you'd have to ask him but I don't recommend doing that. He really doesn't like to talk about it."

Raiden's words cause the gears in my head to begin to turn. Did his mate reject him? Or maybe they were a human and he hasn't told them about werewolves yet?

I open my mouth to say something else, but the sound of the back door opening makes me close it. Beta Reo slides into the car with a glare on his face and a bag in hand. His eyes catch mine and his jaw clenches.

"Well? What are you waiting on you said this was important so let's get moving," he snaps.

"Beta, with all due respect, it's too early into this trip for you to be so worked up. We have to ride together to the Dark Woods Pack and back so could you at least try to get along with us?"

My eyebrows raise at Raiden's statement. I didn't expect him to actually bite back. His eyes meet the beta's who looks less than impressed by Raiden's words.

"Can we just go?" I say with a sigh. The last thing I want to do is sit in a car listening to the two of them arguing. Raiden glances at Beta Reo one last time before turning my way and nodding.

As the car begins to take off, I can feel the beta's eyes on us and silently groan. This is going to be a long car ride.

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