BASTARD: chapter twenty

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"So things are getting better?"

"Yeah," I tell Mars, not even bothering to hide my smile. "I don't know what changed, but these past few days have been great."

"You sure?" Mars questions. "I mean, you're clearly happier and I'm happy for you, but you seem like something's on your mind."

"I'm fine, happy is an understatement to describe how I'm feeling."

It's true, it's been three days since Cloud and I kissed and I was happy. I am happy. It's been easier to talk to him and it does feel like we're actually moving forward in our relationship, but my mind keeps traveling back to when I was in Alpha Tatum's office trying to find out more information about Cloud.

He was right when he said that there weren't going to be many wolves named Cloud in the system, but there was a lot less information about him than I was expecting, and what I did find out hurt me more than I was expecting it to.

To say that Cloud had a sad life would've been an understatement. The more I read, the more it hurts to imagine my mate suffering through it all. It's no wonder that he's so closed off to others.

When I finally finished reading, I promised myself to treat him better than he had been in the past and I intend to keep it, but that wasn't bothering me.

Most information about Cloud was somewhat old but what stuck out was a fairly recent missing wolf report from his birth pack. Beta Reo wanted to call down and find out more, but I managed to convince him otherwise.

Even though he was reported as missing and it was from his original pack, I don't trust it. Clearly, something had to happen to make him leave and I'm not going to contact them until I know just what that something was. The last thing I want is to put him in danger.

I want to bring it up to him, but seeing as we're only just starting to make progress, that doesn't seem like a good idea. But at the same time, it wasn't something I want to hide from him. Knowing that someone put out that report could mean that someone was looking for him. Someone that cares for him as much as I did could be trying to find him and the thought of that hurt.

If I was that person and Cloud had disappeared, I'd want to know where he was but the more I thought about it, the more I realize I hardly know anything about Cloud. Including the circumstances before he showed up at the pack. There's so much I want to ask about him and learn, but I have to wait for now.

After joining Alpha Tatum and Beta Reo on their search last time, I didn't want to do that ever again. It felt wrong, no, it was wrong and it made me feel disgusting. I know there's a lot Cloud still hasn't said, but I know he will when he wants to, and knowing that is enough.

"Dude, are you sure you're okay?" Mars asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I'm fine," I reassure him once again, offering a smile before standing up. "I should go though. Cloud will be up soon."

Mars gives me a doubtful look but nods as he stands as well. Before I leave, his hand grips my shoulder and I turn around to face him. His eyes meet mine and he pulls me into a hug.

"Everything will work out in the end, Rai," he says confidently.

I smile at that and hug him back. We stay like that for a minute before separating. The two of us quickly exchange goodbyes and Mars reminds me once again that everything was going to be okay. Sometimes I don't know what I would do without him.

The walk back to the house is short; as expected, Cloud is awake. He sits on the couch with a bowl of cereal in his hand. By the time he's set the bowl down and turns to me, I'm already halfway over to him with a grin on my face.

"Good morning," I greet when I reach the couch.

"Morning," Cloud replies and moves over a bit, allowing me to take a seat beside him.

"Did you just wake up?" I ask him.

Cloud nods. "Around ten minutes ago. Where were you?"

"I was meeting up with, Mars," I tell him. His expression darkens and my grin grows. "What's wrong with Mars?"

Cloud eyes me. "From just meeting him once I can tell why the two of you are friends."

I laugh at that. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Cloud just shakes his head, a small smile forms on his face and I find my own mood growing at the sight of it.

I want to see what he looks like when he's fully smiling.

"Next time you go somewhere, don't send him. I'd deal with Maia over him any day."

Hearing that does bring some relief to me. I was worried that leaving Cloud with Maia would be a murder just waiting to happen which was why I sent Mars. Hearing that it went fairly well made me happy.

"I'll keep that in mind," I tell him.

Cloud directs his attention back to the T.V. afterward and the two of us spend a good chunk of the morning just sitting around, enjoying each other's company.

Cloud and I haven't kissed since the other day, but that was fine with me. Just being able to get closer and sit calmly with him made me happy. It was already a big change.

It isn't until a few hours later, when the door rings, that I finally get off the couch. Cloud's head turns in curiosity as I approach the door. When I open it, Maia stands there but she isn't alone. Standing at her side is Nara.

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