BASTARD: chapter twenty-four

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As I walk past Raiden with bags in my hands, I can feel his eyes following me and his mouth dropping into a frown.

"Cloud, are you sure about this?" Raiden asks me for what seemed like the millionth time.

Though I can't say that I blame him for his hesitance, it's not like he knew much about my pack. He only knew that I didn't like to talk about it and that it was a touchy subject.

Truth be told, I didn't want to go back and I sure as hell didn't want to take Raiden with me. The rational part of me knew that Raiden wouldn't care about my past and how others saw me, but I couldn't help but worry that he would care and this would change our relationship. I tried to tell him to stay but, in true Raiden nature, he outright refused to.

"I'm sure. This is important," I reply.

This was important. I didn't know much about Onyx, but I did know that if Alpha Demos was willing to rig his trial then there was a chance that he knew more about ferals in general than he let on.

"But you're not going to tell me why this is so important? What happened while you were out, Cloud?"

I don't reply to Raiden's question. He deserves to know about what Alpha Demos said, I know, but I also knew how Raiden would react. He'd blame this whole situation on himself and that isn't something I want.

When I don't say anything, Raiden sighs and just nods. "We need to talk to Alpha Tatum before we go."

Inwardly, I groan at that. I knew it was inevitable, but I really didn't want to talk to Alpha Tatum or Beta Reo.

This is important.

I nod, walk out of the house, and place our bags in the back of the car before climbing into the passenger's seat. A few minutes later, Raiden comes. He looks at me one last time before starting up the car and heading to the building where Alpha Tatum's office is. We don't talk on the short drive there, but the atmosphere around us is tense. M

When we park the car, the two of us get out and Raiden hits a buzzard sitting on the wall.

"Who is it?" The beta's voice questions.

"Raiden and Cloud. We need to talk to Alpha Tatum," Raiden replies.

My eyes search his face, but there are no emotions on it. It's rare to see Raiden so serious.

A few minutes pass before the door unlocks and we're allowed to enter. I just follow Raiden as he maneuvers around the building until we stop in front of a door. He knocks twice before the door opens revealing Alpha Tatum. His eyes flash from Raiden to me and he stares at us with a blank expression.

"What did you need?" He questions as he moves out of the way, allowing us to enter. The door shuts behind us causing me to tense.

"Cloud and I will be leaving for a few days—"

"'Will be?'" Beta Reo raises an eyebrow.

"This is important," I tell him.

"What's so important that you're telling us last minute about your departure?"

My eyes narrow slightly at the beta, but he doesn't appear to be bothered. My eyes turn away from him and find Alpha Tatum's instead. He doesn't say anything for a minute before he stands up.

"Raiden and Reo, leave the room," he says, his words making it appear more like an order.

Raiden's brows furrow and his hand grips mine. He opens his mouth, most likely refusing to leave me, but I stop him.

"I'll be okay," I promise.

Raiden still appears hesitant, but he reluctantly lets go of my hand. With one last glance in my direction, he stands up and exits the room with Beta Reo on his heels.

Once the door shuts, Alpha Tatum looks at me expectantly.

"Why do you need to leave in such a hurry? And don't just say that 'it's important'," he interrogates.

Surprisingly, his normally stoic expression morphs into a more curious one and his eyes lighten. Something about the way he stares at me is unnerving, but I know that not talking to him will only create more problems.

A wave of silence falls over us until I finally let out a sigh. No matter how hard I try to run from the past, it has a way of catching back up.

"I'm not a normal wolf, but you already knew that, right?" A grim smile forms on my face. "Seeing as most packs have, I'm assuming you already heard about the abandoned lab with the ferals. Well, I was one of those wolves held there."

I pause and wait for Alpha Tatum to say anything, but he doesn't. Instead, he stares at me waiting for me to continue so I do.

"I was experimented on for nine years before I was found and because of those experiments, I lost my wolf which is why I can't shift and smell human. I was practically dying and was placed into a coma until I was found by my brother, Gray, the alpha of the Dark Woods pack."

"How did you end up here and how does this tie into why you have to leave?" He questions.

"I left my pack not long before I arrived here. It wasn't a good place for me to be. I didn't plan on coming here or staying, but then Raiden showed up. Honestly, I never planned on returning to my pack, but recently I ran into Alpha Demos in the pack lands and he not only knew about my past, but he also threatened me."

"He threatened you?" Alpha Tatum's eyes flash. "What did he say?"

"He wants me to end things with Raiden and mentioned information regarding another previously feral rogue who is back at my old pack. I don't really know just how connected he is to the situation, but seeing as there are still culprits from the lab on the loose and his connections to the council, I need to go back and talk to my brother."

Alpha Tatum nods and his face returns to its normal stoic expression. "Does Raiden know any of this?"

I shake my head. "I haven't told Raiden any of this," he raises an eyebrow. "I know, I know that I need to talk to him but..."

But I'm scared to. I'm scared that if he sees just how fucked up my life really is then he'll leave. I'm scared that getting him involved will lead to him getting hurt or worse. I'm scared that this will all end terribly.

"You can go," Alpha Tatum says after a few minutes. "But you won't be going alone."

My brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"I'll be sending Beta Reo with you."


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