BASTARD: chapter thirty-seven

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The drive leaving the pack lands was quiet. Beta Gauis was focused solely on the road ahead of him and Nara was glancing out the window, lost in her thoughts. It was only when we reached the meeting place to pick up the Red Eclipse members that the silence was finally broken.

The car began to slow down when we spotted two figures. When we got closer to them, I was able to make out their features better. One was a short woman with deep brown skin and long braids. She stood with her hands crossed over her chest and her foot tapping against the ground. It didn't take a rocket scientist to tell that she was clearly annoyed.

To the side of her was a taller man. His complexion was lighter than hers — a golden tan color. He rested against a tree, staring up at nothing allowing his wavy hair to flow loosely. When they heard us approach, his head dropped, and turned to face us. His dark brown eyes, which almost appeared to be black, met my own eyes in an almost unsettling way. The look in his eyes almost made him see feral in a way — there was a hint of wildness hidden inside of them.

"About damn time," the small woman grumbles as she walks toward our car. "We were almost going to leave you."

Her hand reaches for the door, but Beta Gaius quickly locks it causing her eyes to snap to him. She raises her brow.

"The code?" Beta Gaius mirrors her raised brow.

A small smirk grows on her face as she says, "Stallion."

My brows furrow along with Nara's, but Beta Gaius accepts the answer and unlocks the door. The woman climbs inside before glancing back out the window.

"Come on!"

The man huffs but he follows suit and climbs into the back of the car also. The both of them sit on opposite sides of Nara, trapping her in the middle. Her body is tense, but she doesn't say anything.

"Nara, will you switch seats with me?" I ask her before we start moving.

She looks up at me, surprised by my question but nods nonetheless. She manages to climb out of the car and I do the same, walking to the back of the car. I open the left passenger side door and the woman scoots over, allowing me to climb inside.

"So I'm guessing you're Inez," I say to her before looking at the man. "And you're Boston?"

"What gave it away?" He asks sarcastically, glancing over at me.

Up closer, I get a clearer look at his features. The shape of them told me that he was mixed, most likely with some sort of Asian ancestry, but what I was more focused on was his canines. Most werewolves could retract their canines at will, but his were out, making me wonder if he either purposely had them out or he couldn't retract them.

His gaze breaks when Inez elbows him in the side. "Don't be an asshole. I don't want to deal with Aaila later."

Boston rolls his eyes, but he doesn't say anything else. He rests his head against the window with his arms crossed against his chest.

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