BASTARD: chapter twenty-one

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"Why are you here?" Is the first thing that leaves my mouth.

Maia sighs, but my eyes remain glued to Nara who fidgets with her fingers as she stands awkwardly beside Maia. I felt bad for her; it was clear that she didn't want to be here. She probably didn't want to be in the pack at all.

Now if only she'd tell her father that.

I met Nara in the past and truth be told, I had no problems with her. She was sweet, a little shy, but overall a nice person. I'm sure that we could be good friends, but that's all I want. As nice as she was, I knew from the moment that I met her that we weren't suited for each other. I told my parents this a million times over, but they still insisted that the two of us would fall in love over time.

"I was told you already knew, but Nara will be staying at the pack for a month. Mom and Dad requested that you and I show her around," Maia answered.

Turning around, my eyes find Cloud's but he refuses to meet my gaze. Instead, his eyes square in on Nara as he takes in her figure. His jaw clenches slightly and his gaze breaks away from Nara and he stares at me expectantly.

"You really don't need to," Nara's quiet voice objects. "I don't need a tour, I can just go back to my room—"

"—We'll go," Cloud interjects, causing Nara, Maia, and I to turn to him. His eyes connect with Nara "I should see more of the pack anyways."

Maia's eyebrow raises, but she doesn't argue against Cloud coming. I watch as he turns around and begins to walk back toward my bedroom, most likely to get dressed.

Goddess, please don't let this be a disaster.

"Come on in," I tell Maia and Nara with a sigh. "You can take a seat on the couch while Cloud and I quickly get dressed."

The two of them nod and step inside. I lock the door before disappearing down the hall where my mate went. When I enter the room, Cloud is digging aggressively through the clothes hanging in the closet causing me to cringe.

"Cloud?" I mumble quietly, but he doesn't reply. "Cloud?" I try again, but he continues to ignore me.

Moving toward him, I place my hand on his arm to stop his aggressive search.

"What, Raiden?" Cloud sighs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know they were coming today or I would've told you beforehand," I tell him honestly.

"It's fine," he says in a monotone manner.

"Are you mad?"

"I'm not mad," Cloud denies as he pulls his hand from my grasp and continues to shove clothes around.

He's mad.

My own annoyance begins to grow. Not at Cloud, but at the situation. We had just started to get somewhere.

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