BASTARD: chapter forty-seven

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Big update. Make sure you read forty-six first.


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When we arrived at the location Alexander had told us, we were sure to be quiet. Everyone loaded out of their cars and we began to split up. I easily found Alpha Tatum who was standing beside Alpha Aaila. The two of them were whispering amongst each other before Alpha Aaila nodded and took off, likely to get prepared to help the rescues.

"Are you ready?" Alpha Tatum asks me when I spot him.

I nod quickly. "I'm ready to get Beta Reo back."

Alpha Tatum nods, but also says, "Don't forget that we're not only here for Reo. There are many wolves in here that have been subjected to torture and need our help also. We'll find Reo, but don't overlook those who are also in need of help, alright?"

I nod. I knew that others in here needed us. I knew that there was still a whole different side of the building that we didn't know about, and I knew that there was a possibility that some of us wouldn't be returning home after this, but I was ready.

Archer appeared behind me and he and Alpha Tatum began to talk. Archer, myself, Tatum, Boston, and some of the other wolves would be going on the side of the lab we already knew about. The breeding side. We were to move quickly and take out any enemies without arousing too much attention. Archer's Beta, Gamma, Inez, and the others would be going on the opposite side which we didn't know much about. While most of the Red Eclipse members would hang back outside, a few of the stronger ones would accompany us as a backup.

I'd still yet to see Boston, but I figured he was with the others from his pack.

Once we were all there and the vans were in place, we quickly split into our groups and moved closer. Alpha Tatum raised his hands in the air and counted down, signaling our attack.


Everyone was ready to move.


No sounds could be heard.


All hell broke loose. Wolves darted out from their spots, quickly knocking out those who were standing guard before they had a chance to alert anyone inside. The rest of us quickly followed suit, bursting inside and immediately racing down the halls. I followed Alpha Tatum as we raced through the building, opening any doors that we could find. The building was overwhelmingly full of a mixture of supernatural scents. Some of them I couldn't even make out.

It was easy to separate the rescues from those with who we were working Alpha Demos. Any rescue we found, we quickly scooped up and took outside. Most of them were in bad condition; dirty, underweight, and scared shitless. Some just laid there, shaking when they saw us. They never thought to try and run or fight, they had lost all fight in them. It was sad to watch and it made me hope that with intense help and therapy, they would eventually be okay.

As we made our way down the hall, Alpha Tatum busted open another door. There were no helpers of Alpha Demos inside, but there was a little girl and another lingering scent. Alpha Tatum's body became rigid and he closed his eyes before taking a deep breath and looking at me.

"Keep going, I'm going to escort her out."

His words left no room for debate so I quickly left the room. As I do so, I run into Archer, and the two of us race down the hall toward the next rooms. As we get closer, I catch Beta Reo's faint scent amongst all the others. Instantly, I move to speed up. Warriors accompany us down the hall and they enter the other rooms. My attention is focused on trying to track Reo's scent as we walk.

My search stops when I'm standing in front of a locked room. Before I even have the chance to react, Archer slams into the door, knocking it down. Lying there is the beta. His eyes are closed and chains are wrapped tightly around his arms and legs. I move closer to him, to help and inspect the damages, but a growl causes me to stop.

Turning around, I look at Archer who stares at Beta Reo. His eyes glow brighter as his wolf pushes forward, but the growl didn't come from him.

Behind Archer stands Boston. His dark brown eyes stare at the Beta's unmoving form. His body is tense and he steps into the room causing Archer's head to turn to him as well.

The two move closer to where Beta Reo is. Archer quickly removes the chains and turns to me.

"We got this," He says. All the mischief and calmness from the ride are long gone and he stares at me with a serious, dark expression. He pulls Beta Reo into his grasp. Well, as much as he could given that Boston was attempting to do the same. Boston glares at him and though neither one of them say it, it was clear to me that even though they didn't seem to share a bond with each other, they were both Beta Reo's mates.

Lots of updates today! I have a question for you guys, though

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Lots of updates today! I have a question for you guys, though.

Tomorrow, I plan to finish writing up the last few chapters of Bastard (not including the epilogue and bonus). Do you want them all at once or more spread out?

My goal is to have this book completed and finished before January is over so which do you prefer?

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