BASTARD: chapter thirteen

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"So you're not going to go?"

"No," I reply to Maia. "I don't want to build a relationship with Cloud based on secrets and a lack of trust. If he wants to tell me then he will."

Maia sighs and I can hear a scoff in the background. A frown forms on my face and I fight the urge to let out a groan.

Hopper was with her.

Hopper was Maia's "mate" and the head warrior of our pack. When Maia first introduced Hopper as her mate, I was twelve and thought it was the coolest thing ever. Growing up in the pack, I had always idolized him. He appeared to be everything I could only dream of, but as time went on I realized this wasn't the case.

When it came to talking to Hopper, it was almost as if he had no mind of his own. Hopper followed orders without any second thoughts. In a way, I guess that mindset worked in certain situations, but when we were talking it was like speaking to a brick wall.

You'd almost think he wasn't listening at all, but if you did something wrong or set something he had no issue turning you in.

It was because of that exact reason I tried to avoid him if I could. I had gotten into too much trouble growing up because of him. I felt bad for Maia because of that. If you've had a rough day, who can you speak to? Not your mate.

Maia and Hopper barely talked to one another and I could understand why. They quickly became the example of what I didn't want any future relationship I was in to look like.

"Hello to you too Hopper," I greet.

"So you're not going to learn more about your 'mate'?" He questions. "That's stupid."

"Stupid? If there's something I need to know then he'll tell me himself."

"People lie Raiden, and if the reported glares he was giving people say anything it's that he isn't trustworthy," Hopper says causing my jaw to clench.

Who was he to tell me that my mate wasn't trustworthy?

"Believe it or not Hopper, not everyone likes people constantly staring at them like they're some zoo exhibit. That doesn't make him untrustworthy."

"He came out of nowhere, is claiming to be a wolf that can't shift, and we know nothing about hi—"

"Hopper," I interrupt. "You haven't even met him. You know what? You've only heard snippets of what Maia has told you. Neither you, my parents, or anyone else has a right to tell me that my mate isn't trustworthy when he hasn't done anything."

"All I'm saying—"

"Okay," Maia interrupts. "That's enough. I'll let you go for now, but if you aren't going to go with Tatum and Reo then at least try to talk to him about his past."

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