BASTARD: chapter forty-three

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Big update. Make sure you read forty-two first.

 Make sure you read forty-two first

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Raiden and I are one of the first to leave the room once the meeting is over. With our hands interwoven, the two of us walk out of the building and back to our house. When we get there, we head to the couch and take a seat.

I can't help but worry about what was said at the meeting though. Raiden would be away fighting and after what happened with Maia, I was worried he'd get hurt in some way.

"Cloud?" Raiden calls out. "Are you okay?"

"Ye—" I start to say, but I stop. If we were actually going to try and change for the better then it meant being honest with each other. "I'm worried," I say instead.

Raiden's brows furrow. "About what?"

"You," I admit to him. "I'm worried about you being a part of the raid. There's still so much we don't know and he is after you. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to not be there?"

Raiden falls quiet at my words. When I glance over at him, I can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to plan out his next words.

"Maybe it technically would be," Raiden agrees. "But, I want to go with Team B. I need to be there when they find Beta Reo."

"You do know that Alpha Demos taking him isn't your fault, right, Raiden?" I ask carefully.

My mate looks over at me and sighs. "I need to do this, Cloud. Trust me when I say that I'll be okay and will be back before you even know it."

I want to try and convince him otherwise, but instead, I bite my tongue and nod. I knew that this was important to him and as much as it bothers me, I trusted him. Knowing Raiden, he's probably been thinking about the beta nonstop and now this is a chance to put those bottled-up feelings to rest.

"Okay," I tell him. "I trust you."

Raiden smiles over at me. He turns before leaning forward and placing his lips on mine.

"I love you," Raiden says.

"I love you too," I reply.

Raiden's smile grows and he begins to talk about something else, but his team placement was the only thing that was on my mind. I was also thinking about something else, or rather, someone else. With everything going on, I hadn't seen Alpha Tatum much recently outside of group settings. I wonder how he was taking everything. I knew that for the most part, he appeared as though he had everything put together, but I worried about what was going on underneath the mask he wore. I doubt that he's slept much or done anything else for that matter outside of planning and I was starting to worry about him.

"Hey, Rai?" I say. "I think I'm going to go speak with Alpha Tatum before it gets too dark."

Raiden's brows furrow. "What do you need to speak about?"

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