BASTARD: chapter twenty-nine

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"Are you sure you have to go already?" Layne asks me for the hundredth time.

We had chosen to stay for one more day before leaving and in that short amount of time, it felt better to be here than it had ever been before. It wasn't just being around Layne, Quinn, and Gray that felt nicer, but the pack itself felt better. It was calmer and didn't feel so antagonizing to be in anymore.

"I'm sure, Layne. Beta Reo really misses his home, but I'll call you when I get back and visit again soon!" I promise her.

Layne's blue eyes flood with tears and she turns to Beta Reo. "Mr. Reo, are you really really really sure you have to go?" She pauses. "Like really sure?"

Beta Reo stares blankly at her and says, "I'm really sure."

Layne opens her mouth, likely to ask if he was really really sure, but Gray places an arm on her shoulder.

"Layne, they have to go, sweetheart. Uncle Cloud will come back to visit again, right Cloud?" He glances at me.

Though the question was made to appear as if it was to calm Layne down, Gray stares at me with a hint of hesitancy hidden in his eyes. He doesn't say it, but I know he's worried that if he lets me leave then he won't see me again.

"I'll be back," I tell them both as I stare into Gray's eyes, silently promising that I will come back.

Gray nods and Layne sniffles before wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

"You'll come back too right, Rai?" She asks and Raiden smiles and nods at her. "You too Mr. Reo?"

The question seems to make the beta uncomfortable, but because of all the pointed glances given his way, he lets out a sigh and nods.

Layne quickly walks up to him. "You pinky promise?"

Beta Reo looks down at Layne before he crouches down and wraps his pinky around her. Layne smiles and backs away from him and moves back to Gray's side.

Quinn emerges and her arms wrap around my neck. "It was good to see you again, Cloud," she tells me warmly. When she pulls away she turns to Raiden and Beta Reo with a smile on her face. "It was nice to meet you both as well."

Quinn and Raiden also share a hug and Beta Reo nods at her. His face remains in its same resting bitch expression, but his eyes seem to soften ever-so-slightly.

Maybe the big bad beta is capable of emotions other than anger. Who would've thought?

"Let me know when you get back," Gray tells me seriously. I nod my head and he continues to stare at me before he approaches me and pulls me into an embrace. "Be safe, Cloud."

"You too," I tell him and return his hug.

With one last goodbye, we make our way back to the car and we get situated. Layne gives us a big wave as we start to pull off causing me to smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Raiden also smiling as he stares out the window.

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