BASTARD: chapter thirty-six

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If you haven't already, make sure you read thirty-five first!

If you haven't already, make sure you read thirty-five first!

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When it's time to leave the hospital, Cloud and I walk together. Neither one of us say anything, but I keep glancing over at him. What do I say? With everything going on, is now even an appropriate time to talk about our fight?

When we reach the door, I quickly unlock it and Cloud disappears inside. Biting my lip, I follow after him.

"Cloud," I call out, just before he begins to walk down the hall and toward the bathroom. "Can we talk?"

Silence echoes between the two of us as I wait for his answer. He doesn't look at me nor does he move. He just stands there.

"I just want to make things better between—"

"Not now, Raiden," Cloud tells me, the exhaustion clear in his voice. "Later, just..not now."

With that, he walks away, leaving me to stare at his retreating figure. When he disappears into the bathroom, I drop onto the couch with my head resting in the palms of my hands as tears threaten to spill.

Why is everything going to hell now? Why can't we just be done with this mess?!

When Maia and I were younger, our grandparents always liked to say that everything happened for a reason, but what was the reason for all of this? What did any of us do that was bad enough for this?

Letting out a frustrated groan, I wipe my eyes and rest my head against the back of the couch. My eyes close as I try to calm myself down.

The longer I sit there, however, the heavier my eyes become. Finally, everything around me fades and I drift off into sleep.





My head snaps up, my eyes widen, and I quickly glance across the room, but nobody is there.

"What the...?" I mumble to myself. "What time is it?"

Patting down my pockets, I check for my phone and when I pull it out, I see that not only is it almost completely done, but it's also eight am. Which means that I spent the whole night asleep on the couch.

The pain in my neck tells me that it's the truth and I let out a groan before stretching.

"Raiden," an annoyed voice calls out to me through our mind link. The same voice that had woken me up...the voice that sounded very similar to Alpha Tatum's.

With wide eyes I quickly reply. "Yes, alpha?"

"I'm glad that you're finally awake," he says, and judging by his tone, I bet he rolled his eyes too. It reminded me of the beta.

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