BASTARD: chapter twenty-eight

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As I follow Gray to his house where Layne and Quinn are, I can't help but notice the significantly lower amount of people staring or glaring at me. As we walk by, there are still a few who do, but it isn't as bad as it was before I left.

"I've been trying to weed out the bad ones," Gray says as if sensing my mind. "Quinn, Foster, Gaius, and I had a long meeting with the pack elders after you left. This place has and is going to continue to go through some big changes in the future."

"What happened to all the other people?" I ask him curiously.

"We held a meeting to talk about the changes, what is to be expected, and what won't be tolerated any longer. We gave the members the choice if they wanted to stay or not, but if they chose to then they had to abide by the new rules," he tells me. "Those two warriors you encountered earlier? They'll most likely be gone by the end of the week."

"You saw that?"

"I heard more than I saw, but that's the exact kind of behavior we're trying to get rid of. Of course, it does take time to get all the bad ones out and change, but we're committed to doing so."

My eyes linger on Gray. As a child, he couldn't have cared less about the ways others acted. Dad always taught us that power was the most important thing and never really focused on the rest of the pack while Mom tried to encourage us to make a difference that helped people rather than harmed them. I used to think Gray was just like Dad and that he'd only hurt people when he took over, but seeing him now proved just how much he grew.

"Mom would be happy to see how this place has changed for the better; how much you've changed," I tell Gray quietly.

There's a slight pause in his steps before he continues. Even though he doesn't say anything, I knew what he was thinking.

I hope so.

A few feet behind us, Raiden and Beta Reo are following. Raiden still looks down, but Beta Reo just looks bored. He's done his mission and now he's ready to go back home.

As I stare at Raiden, I can't help but feel bad. I didn't want him to think that any of this was his fault.

I slow my steps down until Raiden and the beta are beside me. Catching the memo, Beta Reo walks faster leaving Raiden and me.

"How long are you going to look so down?" I ask him.

Raiden only frowns. "Why didn't you tell me what he said to you before we left?"

I sigh. "Because I knew you'd just act like this, Raiden. I knew that you'd end up blaming yourself and I didn't want to see you go through that." Raiden doesn't reply and I stop walking and turn to him. "Look, since the first day I met you, all I've seen you do is go through hardship after hardship. I didn't want to burden you even more. None of this is your fault, Raiden."

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