BASTARD: chapter ten

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"Here we are," Raiden says as he moves to unlock the front door of the house.

"Finally," I reply with a slight scowl. The ride to his home had been anything but pleasant. The man didn't know when to shut up and was constantly staring at me with his creepy ass smile. He had tried to ask questions but after multiple attempts, he decided to switch tactics and began to talk about his pack instead.

My comment doesn't seem to affect him. If anything, his smile grows impossibly bigger as he pushes the front door open and steps to the side, allowing me to enter. As I look around the house, I can't help but raise my eyebrows in surprise.

I had expected Raiden to live somewhere in the heart of the pack, surrounded by people and his house to be suffocating with color. Instead, he lived quite far out and his house was primarily made up of more traditional colors.

"What's with that look?" Raiden asks, causing me to realize that he had been staring at me this whole time.

I shake my head. "It's a lot more toned down and isolated than I was expecting from you."

His brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

Looking him up and down, I shrug. "You seem like the guy who would live in an area where he's constantly surrounded by people."

Raiden smiles slightly before shrugging. "I do enjoy being around others, but sometimes you just need your own space, you know?"

My thoughts trail back to when I was living with Gray and how hard it was to find a moment away from him.

"Yeah, I know."

Not waiting for Raiden to reply, I continue to search around the house. It wasn't much and was pretty small. Like a lost puppy, Raiden trails behind me. When I'm finally done with my search, I turn to him and his eyes shine with excitement.

"So? What do you think?"

I shrug at his comment. It was like a normal house, there wasn't much that caught my attention as I explored. Except for one thing.

"Where will I be sleeping?"

There was only one bed in the house and I'll be damned if I have to share a bed with him.

The question causes Raiden to blink twice in confusion. "Well seeing as there's only one bed, you can just sh—"

"—I'll just sleep on the couch," I reply through gritted teeth. I didn't plan on staying long anyways. When there's an open opportunity, I'll run away. Only this time I'll make sure I'm prepared.

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