BASTARD: chapter twenty-seven

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My body is stiff in Gray's grip, but he doesn't pull away from me. Honestly, I wasn't expecting the hug. Seeing as I didn't leave on good terms and neither one of us had necessarily been the touchy-emotional type, but I don't hate it.

When Gray does finally pull away, it was only so he could turn around to look at the others. One of his arms still remains around me as if he's worried that I'll disappear into thin air if he lets me go. The glassy look in his eyes causes me to turn away from him, instead, my eyes move toward the other wolf who happens to be Foster. He stares at me and shoots me a small smile of his own, silently saying "welcome back".

Gray's eyes first move to Beta Reo before he turns to Raiden. I'm sure he can smell my scent on Raiden and vice versa by the way his eyes narrow and he looks between the two of us. His mouth opens to say something, but I quickly stop him.

His eyes break away from Raiden and he looks at me. They soften and turn to the others.

"Who are you both and what pack are you affiliated with?" Gray interrogates.

Beta Reo is the first to speak. "I am Beta Reo of the Howling Night Pack and my traveling companion here is Raiden. We've been sent to talk to you, presuming you're the alpha of these lands?"

Gray nods. "I am Alpha Gray of the Dark Woods Pack and this is my gamma, Foster. What do we owe this visit to?"

Now it's my turn to speak up. "We're here to talk regarding Onyx's trial," I tell Gray causing his brows to furrow. "It's important."

Gray's face becomes more serious and he nods slowly. I look at Foster whose eyes have clouded over, likely to link Gaius since it does regard his mate.

"Come on," Gray says, mainly to me. "We can talk in my office."

Gray lets me go and Raiden, almost immediately, takes his place. He looks at Gray — not even bothering to hide his suspicion. If he notices, Gray says nothing and doesn't seem to care. My hand grips Raiden who stares at me, I offer him a small smile and watch as the tension leaves his body. Beside him, Beta Reo walks past the warriors, shooting them one last glance of his own causing my eyes to roll.

As we walk through the pack, I can feel people staring at us. Raiden's grip around my hand only tightens as we follow Gray and Foster.

Soon, a familiar building comes into view and I know we've reached our destination. Gray opens the door to let us in and we follow him as he takes us to a room in the back. Once we're all situated inside, he looks at me as if waiting for me to speak.

There is so much to say to him — too much, but I push those thoughts away. I can talk to him about everything else later when we're alone, right now I need to focus on the reason we came here in the first place.

I open my mouth to start, but right before I can begin, the door opens to reveal Gaius and Onyx who both look at me with surprise. They quickly mask it though and instead, they offer two smiles and take seats.

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