BASTARD: chapter eighteen [part two]

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Though they share similar looks, I'm ninety-nine percent sure that Maia was the spawn of satan. I know that she was Raiden's sister, but the two couldn't be more different.

Whereas Raiden was always smiling, it seems like Maia's never cracked a smile in her life. Her face appears as though it was carved into a permanent resting bitch face. Her eyes were cold and they followed me as if I was some kind of criminal who she couldn't let out of her sight.

She kind of reminds me of Gray.

A frown forms on my face at the thought of my brother. Shaking my head, I turned my attention back to where Maia stood and eyed her. When I woke up this morning, Raiden was gone and Maia was already here. It was evident that the woman didn't like me; she eyed me as if I was going to attack her or something without warning, but the feeling was mutual. I didn't trust Maia one bit, even if she was Raiden's sister. Especially since she's Raiden's sister given how his parents behave.

"Where's Raiden?" I ask again for what felt like the hundredth time. Rather than replying, Maia continues to stare at me. "Are you just going to stand there the whole time?"

Maia's lips form into a thin line. "Are you going to ask the same question when you know you won't get an answer?" My eyes narrow into a glare, but Maia remains unbothered. "Raiden may trust you, but I and nobody else here does. A wolf that smells human randomly shows up one day? Does that not sound suspicious to you?"

I roll my eyes at her. "Your mate must love having you around."

Maia's jaw clenches at my words and her feet begin to move toward me. My glare hardens, but I make no move to run away.

Just as she's about to reach me, the sound of the doorbell ringing tears her attention away from me. She gives me one last glance before she turns to head for the door instead. Once she opens it, Raiden's friend from when we went to eat stands there.

"Mars? Why are you here?" Maya questions.

"Raiden asked me to come help out around here," Mars says.

Does everyone know where Raiden is except me?

"That's not necessary," I hear Maya reply.

"Well, I already told Raiden I would and I'm here now," Mars tells her as he shoulders past her and into the house. He sits on the couch and gives Maia and me a lazy smile. "It'll be fun!"

A frown forms on my face and when I glance at Maia, hers is the same. The two of us look at each other and rather than glaring and arguing, we silently ask each other the same question.

How the hell do we get rid of him?

How the hell do we get rid of him?

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