BASTARD: chapter fifty-one

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Big update. Read chapter fifty first.


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I race through the hospital when I return to the Howling Night. My eyes examine every room, looking for any sign of Raiden. I can hear some of the workers calling after me, but I pay them no attention. It's only when I see Tatum that my steps slow down. I move toward him and I stare at him with wide eyes.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice sounding cracked and broken. "What happened to him?"

"Cloud, you should—"

"Just tell me what happened to my mate, Tatum!" My voice raises. "Just tell me he's going to be okay."

Tatum frowns. "He was attacked while we were on the mission and received a serious injury to his side."

"But it'll heal quickly since he's a wolf, right?" I ask, but Tatum doesn't agree. "Right?!"

He looks at me, his eyes full of pain. "The wound was infected with wolfsbane, meaning that his supernatural healing can't be used. As of right now, the wolfsbane has spread throughout his body, and the doctors are trying to find ways to remove it before it becomes..." he trails off, not saying the word we both knew would break me. "But, it takes time."

Time we don't have.

I drop into a seat beside Tatum. He stares at me with an expression of pity before standing up.

"I'm going to go talk to the doctors. Stay right here."

I don't bother saying anything. I let my head drop into the palms of my hands and I bite my lip hard to try and stop myself from falling apart.

He told me he would be okay. He told me he'd be back before I knew it. He just asked me to travel with him. He can't leave me now. He can't!

"How's he doing?" A quiet voice comes from inside the room.

"Not good, the doctors say that he was injected with wolfsbane. They're not sure about how to heal him."

"Doesn't he have a mate? Can't the mate bond help him?"

"I don't know," voice two whispers back. "I think they said his mate was human."

The mate bond?

Could the mate bond help him?

Standing up, I search the hospital. Looking everywhere until I find Harmony. It doesn't take long at all for her to spot me and she quickly moves to me.

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