BASTARD: chapter fifty-three [part one]

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Big update. Read fifty-two first.


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When I wake up, I immediately am met with the sight of my parents and sister. Mom's eyes are puffy as she stares down at the floor, Dad holds her hand but he doesn't look much better, and Maia's hands are wrapped together.

"Maia," I call out to her, causing all their eyes to turn to me. "How long was I out for?"

The last thing I remember was being a part of the Raid. I remember being attacked by the woman and the young rogue child, I remember Nara coming to help, and I remember being there with Tatum. I don't remember anything after that.

None of them immediately say anything. A few seconds pass before Mom bursts out into tears and moves closer to me.

"Raiden!" She looks at me. "We're glad that you're okay," Her hand runs through the strands of my dark hair and she takes a deep breath. "Your dad and I are sorry. To both of you. Our goal was never to hurt either of you, but that's what we did."

Mom frowns deeply and Dad takes over.

"Your mother and I have done a lot of talking. We're going to try and back off a bit. Your life is your choice and we'll support you no matter what choices you make and who wither if you wish to be with."

Their words make me smile. "Thank you. That's the only thing I've wanted from you guys. I wanted you to be a part of my life, but it never felt like I was my own person. It felt like I was an extension of you."

"We're sorry for that."

Maia moved closer to me, her hands crossed over her chest and a big frown on her face.

"You worried the hell out of me," she tells me.

I give her a small, apologetic smile. "Sorry, but now you know how I felt."

Maia shoots me a glare with fake annoyance which I return with a smile. She just shakes her head and moves closer, pulling me into a hug.

"When we're done with everything, you and I are going to have a day with just the two of us like we used to," she promises me.

"I'd like that," I admit.

The sound of the door opening causes me to turn my head just as Alpha Tatum enters. Immediately my mind fills with questions about the rescues and Beta Reo.

"How are the rescues? How's the beta doing? Did we get them all?"

"Calm down," Alpha Tatum tells me. "You just got up."

"I know, I know, but I'm curious."

He sighs. "Yes, we got them all. The rescues are currently being checked out and monitored. As for Reo, well..."

His voice trails off just as loud yelling could be heard down the hall. Without thinking, I force myself up and out of the bed, ignoring the calls in protest and I make my way down. I follow the sound of yelling until I stop at the beta's room where the door was wide open. On one side of him sat Archer who was smiling, on the other side was Boston who was glaring at Archer, in the middle was the beta with his hands crossed around his chest.

"Get. Out," he told them to gritted teeth.

Archer and Boston both briefly look at him before replying at the same time, "No."

Rough didn't begin to explain their bond. The three of them were very different, I didn't know how they were going to work, but they were mates for a reason.

I can't help but snort when I see how close they are to the beta. While Boston and Archer didn't seem to be the biggest fans of each other, they both seemed determined to be with Beta Reo.

The beta glances over at me once he hears my snort and his face twists into one of annoyance and embarrassment.

"Get the fuck out!" He scowls at me, picking up the remote and throwing it before Archer can stop him. I quickly move out of the way, hearing the remote hit the wall behind me.

"Hey!" I scold. "I'm injured."

The beta looks me up and down before meeting my eyes. "You think I give a fuck? We're both injured making us on even footing. I can still kick your ass."

Clearly, the kidnapping didn't change him as much as I was worried about.

Shaming my head I turn to walk away. "Well, I'll leave you alone with your mates," I tell him teasingly, emphasizing mates.

He glares at me and I watch as he attempts to get up, causing Archer and Boston both to try and stop him — and another yelling match to ensue.

Well, at least he won't ever be lonely or bored.

I begin to walk back toward my room, but just as I'm about to enter, my feet come to a stop when I catch a whiff of a sweet scent. Turning around, I'm met with the very angry eyes of my mate as he stares back at me.

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