BASTARD: chapter forty-eight

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Onyx's trial was about to start.

Gaius sat beside me. His leg bounced repeatedly and his arms were crossed over his chest, his finger lightly tapping against it. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that he was nervous.

This had been something long awaited and now it was finally here. If everything worked out then Onyx would be walking out here basically a free wolf, but we still had to get through just enough of the trial before Councilman Steele made his announcement about Alpha Demos.

"Try and calm down," I tell Gaius quietly, causing him to look at me. "Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing that they make you nervous. We're going to win this — you and Onyx are going to win this and move on with your lives, so just hold on a little longer."

Gaius takes a deep breath and slightly smiles at my words. "Thanks. Onyx and I knew that this day would eventually come, but we always hoped that maybe they'd cancel it. I mean, there is no reason for him to even be up there, but leave it to the council to make shitty choices," he scoffs. "We're both just so ready to not have them looming over us. We've already put off so many plans because of it."

I felt bad for them. It must've been hell not knowing when the trial was. At any minute you could receive a notice about your trial. A trial that could ultimately result in your death.

Gaius took a deep breath and shook his head. "I should go find Onyx before this starts. He'll need some words of encouragement."

I nod and watch as he goes. Once he's gone, I stand up and move and walk around until I find Quinn and Gray. They're on Quinn's phone and when I get closer, I realize they're talking to Layne.

"Are you having fun at Grandpa Marshall's?" Layne asks her daughter.

I could hear Foster and Taylor's son babbling in the background as they spoke to her. It made me wonder where the two of them were. I knew that they were coming with the rest of us, but I hadn't seen them since we arrived.

As I walk closer, Gray glances over at me and I decided to ask him.

"Where are Taylor and Foster?"

"They stayed back a day to drive Onyx's parents up. They should be here soon."

"Is that Uncle Cloud?!" I hear Layne call out.

A small smile forms on my lips at the tiny voice. When this was over, I needed to go and see her again. I step into the camera, allowing Layne to see me. Her face breaks out into a big grin.

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