BASTARD: chapter thirty-two

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No matter how hard I try to get it out of my mind, I can't forget the red-eyed, wild look on Beta Reo's face when I found him and I can't help but feel sorry for him. While I don't know all the details, I do know that whatever happened earlier clearly wasn't a first-time thing. It was something he had dealt with before and that just made it worse.

I don't know many hybrids. Much less any werewolf-vampire hybrids which made me wonder if this was something they all faced or if was it exclusive to the beta. Before he looked as if he was struggling to control his other half. Did they all face the same difficulties?

More and more questions begin to fill my mind. So much so that I don't even realize just how close I've gotten to the pack's border until a hand is placed on my shoulder. Immediately my body tenses and I pull away from the grip and glance at the person who grabbed me.

Standing just barely outside of pack lands is Alpha Demos. On the ground, close by him are two warriors passed out on the ground. I would've thought they were dead if not for the faint sounds of their heartbeats.

"Raiden!" Alpha Demos greeting with false enthusiasm. "Just the wolf I wanted to see."

Well, I don't want to see you.

I move back, placing some distance between us. Alpha Demos' smile only grows at this.

"Leave," I growl lowly at the man, and Alpha Demos just sighs.

"Raiden, come on now, let's not be enemies. Before, I actually thought that we got along well," he shakes his head. "I was excited you know. Excited for you and Nara to be together."

I can't help but scoff at that. "I don't want to marry Nara and she doesn't want to marry me."

He rolls his eyes. "You just need some time to get to know each other better and then you'll see that we could all be one big happy family. You please your parents and you gain the role of alpha, I don't think you understand just how good the deal I'm offering you is."

"I don't think you understand that I've already said no multiple times. You aren't going to succeed in bribing me and threatening my mate isn't going to change anything either. If anything, it just makes me hate you more," I retort.

Alpha Demos' smile finally drops. "Raiden, I must say, you are testing my patience here. I—"

"You are a bad man who needs—"

In a flash, Alpha Demos crosses into the pack lands and roughly pushes me against one of the trees. He stares at me with a dark look in his eyes.

"Do not interrupt me, boy," he growls lowly. "I can open the doors to many opportunities. Not just for you, but for your children," I roll my eyes. "And for your mate."

I unintentionally tense up at the mention of Cloud causing Alpha Demos to smile.

"I can ensure that he doesn't have a thing to worry about. I can help him find a home far away from here, create a new life, and move on from his past — everything he's ever wanted. You wouldn't want to be the one to take that away from him, would you?"

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