BASTARD: epilogue

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"Do you have everything?"

I turn to Gray and give him an exhausted look. He'd asked the same question for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Gray, I'm sure I'm ready," I tell him with a sigh, but a small smile still made its way onto my face. It was nice to see that he cared.

"I just want to make sure," he tells me, arms crossed over his chest.

"I know," I say. "And I'm grateful for it, but you don't need to keep asking. I'm prepared, I promise."

Gray doesn't immediately reply. His blue eyes stare at me, emotions race past them — too fast for me to identify. His mouth drops ever so slightly into a frown and he sighs before moving toward me and pulling me into an embrace.

"You'll be okay, right?" Gray asks quietly. "Promise me you'll be okay."

"I'll be fine," I tell him, pulling back just barely so I could see his face. He stares at me expectantly, so I quickly add, "I promise."

Gray's grip around me only tightens. I knew many things were racing around his mind that he wanted to say, but he held them back. We stay together for a few minutes before he finally lets go.

"You know I love you, right?" Gray finally asks me. "I know that it isn't something we say to each other often — if at all — but, I need you to know that before you go. I love you, Cloud."

Sincerity shines in his blue eyes and my smile only grows. "I love you too, Gray," I tell him honestly. "You don't need to worry so much, I'll be sure to call you."

"I hope so, or Layne would make Quinn and I take her to you so she could scold you," he jokes.

"Like you wouldn't be right there by her side doing the same," I retort. "She's a lot more like you than I first realized."

As if on cue, the sound of tiny feet running toward us grows louder until Layne comes into view. She quickly races toward me until her arms wrap around my lower body and she buries her head against my side.

"Do you have to go?" Is the first thing Layne says to me. "Can't you come to stay with us?"

Her blue eyes look up at me pleadingly and I crouch down to her level and say, "It won't be that long, Lay. Uncle Rai and I will be back before you know it! You know we still have to come to see your brother."

Layne pouts. "But that's not gonna be until forever from now!"

"It won't be that long," I promise her. "Uncle Rai and I will call you too while we're gone. We'll also bring you back a gift when we come back!"

Layne's eyes lit up. "You promise?"

I smile down at her. "I promise, Layne. I'll be back before you know it."

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