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**This is a mature bonus! It doesn't have to be read if you aren't a fan of mature scenes.**


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I loved my mate.

Really, I did, but I'd be lying if I said that he didn't make me want to strangle him at times. This was one of those times.

Currently, I stood in front of Raiden with my hands crossed over my chest as I stared down at my mate who looked like a sad puppy being scolded. Well, I guess that was what was happening. If there was one thing I learned since moving in with Raiden, it was that the man wasn't built to be still. Raiden was constantly moving — it's just who he is and there was nothing wrong with it. Usually, there was nothing wrong with it, but after watching break, not one, not two, not three, but four different items, I knew that enough was enough.

"Four times, Raiden!" I scold the wolf who doesn't meet my gaze.

"I apologized...four times," he says as if that somehow makes it better. When my gaze doesn't lighten, he lets out a dramatic sigh and looks at me with what I've grown to call his 'puppy eyes' and says, "I'm bored, Cloud!"

"That sounds like a you problem," I scowl. "Go find something to keep yourself occupied."

Raiden pouts before standing up and walking toward me. His arms wrap around my waist and he says, "I've tried! I've got all this pent-up energy and no way to get rid of it. Help me, won't you?"

The goofy grin on his face told me exactly what he was hinting at. Normally, I would've pushed the idiot away and told him to shut up. If anything, this would've made me want to make him wait even longer, but I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't been thinking of the same thing ever since our last near-mating session. We said that we'd wait until after everything with Alpha Demos cleared up before we would consider mating and now that he was out of the picture and Raiden was out of the hospital, there was no real reason for us to hold back.

"Should I?" I question teasingly. "The only thing you've been doing is making my life harder. Why should I mate with some snot-nosed, horny puppy? And clumsy, did I forget clumsy?"

My smile only grows as I watch Raiden's expression change to one of disbelief.

"Snot-nosed? Clumsy? Well, maybe clumsy but I apologized! Four times!"

"You only apologized four times because you knocked over four things, you idiot! You're not exactly doing me any favors."

Raiden's eyes narrow. "You just don't want to admit that you've been waiting for this just like I have."

"Oh? Getting cocky now? How do I know you aren't one of those guys who talk big but don't even last five minutes?"

"Don't insult me like that," Raiden scoffs. "We're mates. I was made for you; I'd rock your world."

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