BASTARD: chapter fifty

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Big update. Make sure you read chapter forty-nine first.


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The room goes quiet as Councilman Steele makes his way down, his eyes never leaving Alpha Demos'.

On a large screen in the front of the room is a picture of the lab where I was found. It shows the insides. The number of rooms filled with red-eyed wolves. Young children with eyes wide and full of fear. Chains hanging from walls.

"We all remember this, right?" Councilman Steele questions. "We remember the horrific conditions that were exposed to months ago. We remember how Dexter Fullman and Michael Cain were involved in this...monstrosity, right?"

"What does this have to do with the case at hand, councilman?" One of the councilwomen asks.

"Previously, we were asked if it was too coincidental that all this happened when Onyx was found, but all we've been doing is looking at the surface level. Onyx Harper is only one part of this whole issue at hand. We've seen the large number of ferals who've been created recently, but we never asked how they came to be."

"We know how," Alpha Demos says. "Michael and Dexter."

"But they were also only another piece to the puzzle," Councilman Steele retorts. "But you knew that already, didn't you councilor?" Alpha Demos' eyes narrow. "When everything broke out, both Michael, Dexter, and Beta Gaius made claims of there being another party involved in the creation of ferals. It doesn't make sense for three people to say that and for there to not be any truth to it. Around a month after the feral situation and Michael and Dexter were brought into custody, I was assigned the case of investigating these claims, and what I found led me right to the source. Not this supposed third party, but the spy among us," he turns to Alpha Demos. "You, Councilman."

"Excuse me?" Alpha Demos lets out a laugh. "Is this your attempt to save Mr. Harper? By making up lies? Is this what you've resorted to, Steele?"

Councilman Steele's eyes narrow. "Ten years ago, the original Lunar Moon pack was attacked by the Dark Woods. Their Alpha was killed by Cyrus Cade — Gaius's father. Every member of the pack was meant to be killed and destroyed. It didn't make sense that Michael Cain had managed to survive. Though, upon further research into the Lunar Moon pack's history, I've recently uncovered that one of their main allies was your pack, Alpha Demos. I didn't understand why you'd visit Michael Cain so much until then."

"So that's what your accusation is based on?" Alpha Demos chuckles. "Speculation?"

Councilman Steele ignores him. "So, I went to speak to the two next best people. Dr. Glassman and Dexter Freeman. Both of them admitted to not only seeing you on multiple occasions but also were kind enough to provide pictures."

On the screen, images of Alpha Demos in the lab showed up. He was younger looking through which told me that the pictures were older. Standing beside him was a woman who was crouched down on the floor being seen as she injected something into some poor girl's arm.

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