Chapter 1: A blast from the past

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"I'm so sorry I can raise you in a wealthy Family like you deserve"


"If me and ur father were rich we hire a samurai to protect us......then this wouldn't happen...."

"I'm sorry I failed you as a mother....."


" was just a dream..." as the h/c
Maiden stranded up from her straw hay bed she made for herself,as she woke up she saw it was still dark
But some parts of the sun are showing
Behind the thick wood trees

*sigh* "Welp.....Another glorious morning" she lied to herself ofcourse
Sleeping in a makeshift tent made out of hay that you obviously stole to make a bed out of,and sleeping in the middle of a GIGANTIC Forest is not ao normal for a young girl to sleep there.
Since many dangerous creatures are lurking in the shadows and can just kill her.

But for lucky Y/n shes not in so much danger


"Time to go fishing but I'm lazy as fuck. But I'm also hungry as fuck" she cursed to her self

Y/n's POV

"Oh ok time to get ready to get some food!" I said to myself like a crazy person talking to there self's
As I grabbed my very homemade
Spear out of wood and went to a large body of water,as I was closer to the water I saw a fish that is not moving
"Huh weird usually they would swin around everytime?" I thought as.

As I ready to aim at the fish I threw the spear and it landed on its HEAD
"Wow I'm so good at aiming" as I pat my own back to congratulate my self
For my unbelievable head shot

Aa I saw blood mix with the water
I saw another vision of my ugly past

she screamed
as I cried my eyes out
To see my Mother wounded
Very badly I cried
I was scared.....
Snow mixed with her own blood
Was terrifying

"NO! Stop thinking thise things again!!" I shouted to my self as a single tear dropped from my face
I wiped it away after all crying is
For the weak.

"I'm fucking 13 yr now and I still cry?!" I questioned my self I always thought that when you grow up you will be emotionless and strong,brave
And things that a grown adult does.

《Time skip 8:30 AM on a Monday morning》

As I throwed the bone of the fish into a dirt hole that wasn't that deep its like a dirt trashcan after all you dont really support litirling all over the replace.

"Hmmm~ now what should I do to pass my time......" as i try to make some kind of activity to pass my time
*DING* "aha! I know,I will go to the village and try to find a job after all I haven't tried that yet" trying to get a job is kind of difficult since I'm only a 13 yr

"Hmm maybe I'll try and go to a brothel hold maybe they will accept me?" As I thought to my self after all
I'm very pretty myself

I set my journey to the Village near by
As I got there I saw bustling of people walking some were running and some were playing catch with a ball it was mostly kids that play those thing

"Reminds me of my dad he will play catch with me all the time" I sadly thought

As I was walking trying to find the brothel I accidentally bumb into someone "OMG! I'm so so sorry!
Pls forgive me!" As I deeply apologize
And bowed down to show respect
After all im just some homeless girl
Who sleeps in a hay sack.

"Ara Ara~ No need to apologize my dear!" She said as I looked up at her
She whore a butterfly haori and a butterfly hair clip had long black hair and beautiful Lilac eyes and she had a


"uh- ok" I said nervously I hope she doesn't slice me into little pieces with the katana of hers

"Now tell me dear what's your name?"
She asked and I replied "My name is Y/n" I said "come on raise your head no need to bow at me" she said with a care free smile

"HAI!" i said as i rose up from bowing down to her "now tell me Y/n what happened to you and your clothes are full of holes and its really dirty?" She asked still with a smile

I slightly blush form embarrassment
A beautiful woman is in front of me and while me on the other hand has dirty clothes

"I- uhh- well I'm sort of homeless and I kinda live in the middle of the woods next to this Village so yeah...." you said with a cracky voice

*Giggles* "No need to be embarrassed.
How about this,I will train you and make you the most strongest Demon slayer!" She said with happiness in her voice

"Demon Slayer?"

It's just the start》

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