Chapter 2: The start

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"Demon Slayer?"

Y/n's POV

"Yes! A Demon slayer that was officially trained by me" she said with glee in her voice

"Wow!....also what's a Demon Slayer?"
I asked awkwardly "Oh so you dont what it means hmm" she said "Ok how about let's sit on that chair over there?" She asked with a smile

"Ok sounds good to me" I said while following her to the bench she was talking about "Ok wait here,I'll buy you something to eat!" She said while
Went to a Udon stall and bought 1 bowl of noodles

As she walked back to you while bringing a bowl of noodles in her hand"WAHH~ Thank you so much-" I said but stopped talking because I didn't even know her name yet

"What's the problem Y/n?" She asked while looking at me "Soo umm yeah....I don't know your name yet" I said awkwardly again "Oh where's my manners! My name is Kanae" she said with a smile again

"Oh ok Kanae-san!" i said with a smile
"Ok you enjoy your noodles I'll just buy somethings" she said as she got off the bench and went to a Kimono shop

As I ate my noodles happily I never get to eat this such tasty food! As I finished my bowl Kanae-San went out the shop just right in time to return the bowl

"Looks like you enjoyed your meal" she said with that signature smile in her face "Yeah I did...Thank you again Kanae-san!" I said with I smile as I try and copy her pretty smile but since I haven't brushed my teeth in a long time I just smile with my lips

"CAW! CAW!" I jumped by the sudden loud noise I've heard as I looked up to see it's a Crow? "CAW! CAW! KANAE KOCHO A MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT BY UBUYASKI TO GO BACK TO THE CORPS FOR A HASHIRA MEETING!"

"IT CAN TALK?!" and apparently yes it does,as it landed on Kanae-San's right hand "CAW! CAW! KANAE KOCHO A MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT BY UBUYASKI TO GO BACK TO THE CORPS FOR A HASHIRA MEETING!"

The "thing" said again "Ok sure thing go tell master I'm going back" she replied to the crow "CAW! CAW!" it said as it took flight and left from her hand

"What the ACTUAL FUCK was that?!"
I said with a shock face,so first it can talk and its smart enough to understand a the human language?

"Ara~ Ara~ watch your mouth darling" she said as she booped my nose as I look at her to apologize

"I'm sorry" I said as i lowered my head "Oh~ it's ok child just dont swear to much" she said with a closed eye smile

"Ok so,let's leave and go back to the Corps" she said as she and I left the village and into a forest

《Time skip 6:40 PM》

As it got a little dark I felt a uneasy felling near us. i felt I was being looked at that's hiding in a tree or in a Bush

I've never been more scared in my life.


As I turned around where the sound came from as I looked behind me
And I saw a Demon like creature it had sharp fangs that penetrate your skin and sharp nails that will now serve as claws as its mouth is opened wide ready to eat my flesh

As my eyes grew big form surprise because it almost pounced at at me
But in a blink of an eye its head is no longer on its body as I felt a slight bumb on my foot. HOLY SHIT ITS THERE HEAD. Its body began to disappear so is its head as I looked up I saw Kanae-San standing holding her katana

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" A question like scream came out of my mouth
"Well you see Y/n that's what we call a Demon it's very dangerous if your being attacked by one it will instantly kill you"

"So you guys kill them since you know....your guys name is literally 'Demon Slayer' so am I correct or what?" I said "Yep! And we will kill all the demons that exist in this world!"

She said as she raised her arms in the air

"Soooooo that means I have to do that to?" I said because I never wanna die at a young age plus I'm a Pussy

"Yep!" She said with a smile


"Oh ok" that's what I responded to her

As we got closer to a building like state we entered the gates of it
As u saw more people with katanas
One is blind and crying?

And one has a fire like Cape and orange hair with red end tips
And one has alot of scars and had his
Chest exposed and he has white hair

Another one a a banged like mask with a snake wrapped on hes neck and resting on a tree top "creepy guy"
And one has red and green nails with a diamond like head band and one is just staring at the night sky he black hair and blue end tips

And one is just ehhh just standing faraway from the others he had two different colores haori
"HEY! Kanae who's this newbie?!" The Male with scars all over him "Oh Sanemi! This is Y/n she will be my Tsugoku" Kanae replied "huh...this skin and bone girl will be a hashira?
HAH! I bet she cant even lift a katana!"

The man said while laughing "EXCUSE ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I CAN LIFT A SWORD LIKE YOU DO! And I bet you cant even get girlfriend with that face of yours! Imange having no eyebrows!
I said while insulting the man and laughing a little,and trust me he looks really pissed by what I said to him

He said with a clearly angry voice

"Now guys calm down Plus,your the one who started it" Kanae-San said with a calm voice

"Master has arrived"

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