Chapter 4: The Student becomes the Master

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"Just call me if you need something!"

《No ones POV》
"Ok! Shinobu-chan!" As Y/n went inside the room that will stay in as she placed down the kimonos Kanae gave her,and went to the bathroom and took of her dirty and old kimono and placed it in the trash "its probably useless anyway"

As she went close to the bathtub she slightly touched the water "Never knew I will take a bath ever again?"
She said to her said self

She then submerge into the water as she relaxes inside the bathtub she then grabbed a scrubber to clean her self with it

*knock knock*

"Who is it?!" She questioned the person on the other side of the door

"Its me Shinobu!" The person responded on the other side "Kanae said I will wash your hair!" She also added

《Y/n's POV》

I let Shinobu-San in she walks behind the bathtub that's near my hair as she grabbed a chair and some hair products

She then put's some shampoo on my dirty hair that probably has fleas
She then scrubs my hair and rinses it
She then grabs a flee comb and she uses it to comb through my hair

《Time skip 7:10》

I am now cleaned and fresh as I dried my hair and putted on my kimono's and walked out of the bathroom and out the bathroom

As I walked around the place I bumbed into Kanae-San "Oh! Y/n there you are!" She exclaimed to me
"Ok follow me to the training room"
She said excitedly

As I followed her to the training room I saw Shinobu swinging a sword around and does a flip thing

"Whoa!" I said with pure excitement Shinobu looked at me and gave me a warm smile she then runs towards me
And hugged me tight that I cant even breathe

She then let's me go and said something "Y/n! Come train with me I can teach you on how to be the best demon slayer!" She said with sparkly eyes

"Maybe tomorrow Shinobu she will sleep for now and you should too"
Kanae said to us both

"Ok Nee-san!" Shinobu said and then walked off,I then followed right behind her,as i figured out that she was 15 yr so that means that shes 2 years older then me and Kanae is 18 yr

I then waved goodbye too Shinobu I then plopped down on the SOFTEST I've ever felt I then dozed off to sleep

《Monday 4:30 AM》

"Ne! Y/n-chan wake up!" As I opened my eyes and saw Shinobu holding a tray with lots of food on it

"WHAA~ Thank you Shinobu-san!" I said I thanked her for her kindness
"Y/n eat your food and go to the training room and we will train together" she exclaimed to me with pure joy in her voice
"Man like big sister like baby sister"

Shinobu then left the room and left me alone to finish my meal I then finished my meal and got ready for training

I then existed the room and went to the training room I then saw Kanae waiting in the room with Shinobu

"Ara~ good morning Y/n" Kanae greeted me "today you will train on how to be a demon slayer.You must first complete this obstacle track"

As I looked at the obstacle track it seems pretty easy I just need to go in the center of the tires axnd ti the finish line

"But Shinobu over here will cause you and try to pin you down" she added
"Ok you may start now!"

As I try to complete the obscatle track
Shinobu then pins me down

As I try and try I kept getting pinned down by her I then decided to dodge her when she will pounce on me

I then tried to go faster I then try to dodge her and she missed me by an inch

As my eyes widened that my plan worked so did her her widened I then try to hop over her and continue the obstacle she then trys to pounce on me

But this time she goes for my left I dodge her again I then do the obstacle really fast this time

As I got close she tries to pin me down again but this time she tries to go for the center and nor left or right

I quickly ducked down and dodge her
And I FINALLY got to the Finnish line

"Goodwork Y/n dodging the attackers
Attacks that's a great start!" Kanae said cheerfully

"Goodjob Y/n!" Shinobu also said

《I will succeed

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