Chapter 12: Avenging A Lost Soul

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I woke as earlier than the sun rising I got out my bed and took a bath i went inside the bathroom and went inside the tub

I stared at my self in the mirror next to me a vision of Kanae appeared before me I blinked once more and she was gone

I can't believe I just sat in bed sick while I did nothing and she fought for her life and I just did nothing at all if only I was strong enough to go to the final selection earlier than ever but i was weak....

I got out the tub and putted on my cloths and stared at my self once again as tears escape my eyes not sad tears but angry tears

"Why? Why? Cant I even say goodbye to you?! WHY?! did you leave so soon?!"


《3rd person POV》

Glass falls down the ground making a loud noise but not only glass was falling down the ground blood is also dripping down on the ground

Turns out Y/n punched the mirror above the sink her reflection is now distorted

In the mirror lines fomred that simulate the cracks that formed from her punch

*knock knock*

"Y/n-san are you ok? I heard something fall in there?" Y/n looked at the door where the voice came from and they knocked again on the door

"Y/n are you there? Can I come in?" The voice from the door asked
"No." Y/n said with a cold tone

"Why not?"

"I said you cant come in!" Y/n shouted at the person behind the door "but-"

"I SAID LEAVE!!" She heard foot steps walk away the bathroom and exit her bedroom.

She then fall in the ground and sat there hugging her legs and hiding her face between the legs and arms

<few minutes later>

She heard a knock again she then spoke up and said "who is it?"

"Its Shinobu,Aoi said you shouted at her to leave what happend?" She asked behind the door

Y/n still in her same position sitting while hugging her legs "well maybe its because I want to be alone for a moment" she said with a monotone voice

"Well can i come in?" Shinobu asked with a worried voice "fine" Shinobu then went inside the bathroom

Her eyes then widened in shock seeing Y/n curled up in a ball and broken glass around her and her hand dripping with blood

"Y/N! What happend to you!?" Shinobu then ran towards Y/n..she didn't care if her feet bleed because of the broken glass that shes stepping on

"Y/n! Why is your hand bleeding!" As she inspects Y/n's hand and saw only minor cuts from the broken glass she punched but Shinobu still dosent know that she actually punched the mirror

"Y/n are gonna tell what happend or not?" Y/n then raised her head at Shinobu

Shinobu shock at her appearance she had red puffy eyes and a red nose and it looks like she had been crying she then hugged her little sister and comforted her and told her everything is ok

After Y/n calmed down she then told Shinobu on what happend to her and how her hand bleeded and got cuts on it

Shinobu then cleaned the broken glass and treated Y/n's hand

Y/n then told her that she still wants to train and break the large vase thing but Shinobu said no but Y/n really want to train still

You then entered the training room and saw Mitsuri waiting for you inside and she ran towards you and gave you a big hug,and you really appreciate the hug

She then let's go of the hug and then spoke up "Y/n! I'm going to the Final selection in 2 months,and I was wondering if you could make it at that deadline?" She asked you she then saw your hand that it's been wrapped in a bandages

"WHAA!! What happend to your hand?!?" She then inspect your hand and you just stared at her confused on what shes doing

"Oh,my hand? It's just nothing.." you replied to her,and her still looking at your hand

"And also to answer your question....I think I can make it to the deadline since I only need to break the Gourd" you then pointed and the weird shaped vase

As she followed your where your finger was pointing she saw a large gourd and her jaw dropped

"You really gotta break that thing?!" She said while her jaw still opend in shock

"Unfortunately yes" you sighed

"Ok I'll head out now goodbye Y/n!!"
She then left the estate and you waved goodbye to her

But this time you weren't smiling this time,you always smile when your friends leave your estate as a sort 'see you next time' smile

After Kanae's death you lost a little bit of yourself it's like her death took some parts of you and mostly your emotion.

It's like you half of your emotion was gone sometimes you forget how to smile,but if you do really need to smile you sometimes fake it

Like when Mitsuri hugged you you just faked your smile towards her

After she left you went straight to the training room and grabbed the gourd and blowed as hard as you can but not a single crack or nor damage happend to it

As you tried to use one of your breathing stlyes it only made a small crack

Blows after blows you made some small progress,and this means your lungs are still weak

You decided to take a break for blowing on the groud,you went outside the estate and hopped on the roof of the estate and saw the sun setting down

A mix of dark blue and orange and yellow you sighed and watched the sun settle down

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