Chapter 19: Dinner With A Demon

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《Y/n's POV》

Being in the hands of a Demon that's bringing me to the Dinning area

As we walked through the halls people snicker around us when they see Douma holding me, 'I swear I'm gonna kill this man'

We finnally arrived at the Dinning hall he sat me down on the chair and clapped his hands together and smiled at me "I dont know why but you look cute when your angry" he says with a slight blush on his face

"I'll take that as a complement" I looked at him with slight blush too in my face "Hee~ Look really cute when you blush!" He pinches my cheeks I hit his hand away

"You what I'll cook for you" he say he then puts on a apron on and tied his hair in a ponytail

"You what I'll cook for you" he say he then puts on a apron on and tied his hair in a ponytail

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'Shit why does he look cute when his hair is in a ponytail'

He turns around to look at me and show off his new hairstyle "Do you like it Y/n?" He ask with sparkles in his eyes "I-it look good" my face that now tomato red

His smirk grew wider when he saw me tomato red "Aww! You so cute when you blush~" he hugs me real tight that I cant even breath properly
'Motherfucker wants to kill me or some shit'

"O-ok that's enough!" I push him off me I look at him and he still has hearts in his eyes "so when are you gonna cook food?" I ask him

He snaps out of his thoughts and his mouth forms into a 'o' shape he then goes to the stove and turns it on
'I dont trust him one bit with fire' I sweat drop hoping that he wont set the place on fire

He starts chopping something and I notice hes dicing tomatoes also other vegetables and also beating an egg
Sizzle can be heard ones he puts the egg on the hot pan

"Who knew you can cook?" I ask him with a smile on my face
"I'm full of surprises" he says he then placed the diced vegetables on the egg that's on the pan

'Hes making Tamagoyaki!' My eyes gleam with excitement since it my favorite food

The egg is done cooking he places the egg on a plate and sets it aside he then grabs a pot and fills it with water he then let's it boil

Meanwhile waiting for it to boil he chops up seaweed and pat drys the tofu the pot of water is now boiling he melts the miso paste in the boiling water

After a while he places the tofu in and let's it simmer for a while, few minutes later he places the seaweed and a few seasonings

<Few minutes later>

"Tada! All done!" He sets down the food on the table and sits right next to me

"Go ahead dig in!" He says with a bright smile on his face I grab the chopstick and took a bite out of the food he made

My eyes soon lit up "Wah~ this taste amazing!"

《Douma's POV》

The way my sweet Y/n enjoys the food the made for her makes my heart skip a beat 'is this what they call being falling inlove?' I ask myself

"Douma-San why dont you take a bite, your the one who cooked all of this to be honest?" Y/n offers, I cant help but be flustered by her offer

"Douma-San why dont you take a bite, your the one who cooked all of this to be honest?" Y/n offers, I cant help but be flustered by her offer

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"Oh but im a demon love I cant eat human food" I responded to her question "ok how about I put blood on it?" She say while looking at me

"That would wor-"

"Ok then, I'll get the knife" she cuts me off before I could process what she says she grabs a knife and places it on her wrist "Y/n-chan! What do you think your doing!!" I say grabbing the knife away from her

"If I put blood on the food you can eat it right" she says she grabs a bowl of miso soup and snatches the knife from my grasp


My eyes widend 'she actually did it!' Blood drips down on the bowl of miso soup "got any bandages?" She ask she place down the bloody knife and stirs the miso soup with a spoon

"Bon appetit!" She hands me the bowl of miso, I grab the hand that has been cut I placed my other hand on her wrist as blue light shines on her wrist I take of my hand, her hand is now healed

Her eyes widend with amusement all I could do is smile at her actions
She then hugs me I was shock by her actions

"Thank you Douma-san"

"Daww shucks~ your making me blush!" She let's go of the hug and grabs a spoon and grabs a spoonful of soup out of the bowl with her blood in it

She then feeds it to me I cant help but smile as hearts form around me
(If that's possible)

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