Chapter 9: Shining Stars

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《This music is to beautiful 😭😭😭》
♡this chapter will contain some romance so that's why the music is like this♡

♤3rd Person POV♤

(Pls scroll down slowly)

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(Keep scrolling slowly until you hear the violin)

"Wow.....its so beautiful" the maiden exclaimed as she looked at the shimmering sky above her,as the wind passes through flows like the waves at sea while looking

The boy stared at the girl for awhile and then smiled at the sight of his new friend looking at the sky above them it was so magical it's like a scene in some movie

"Hmm I'm glad your enjoying your time with me" the boy said with a smile the girl then took the boys hand and holded it tight she then gestured the boy to sit down the grass and just relax and enjoy the moment

"Thanks for showing me where to find a good spot for star gazing" the girl says to boy next to her she then rests her head on the boys shoulder the Douma then rests his head on Y/n's head

"Douma,where do you live?" Y/n asked Douma so that she can visit him sometimes "oh I'm afraid that we wont meet again.." Douma said with quite a sad tone he just met a friend and now he cant go back to her since its because of 'him' if 'the man' finds out he will instantly kill the girl

"And why's that?" The girl asked in wonder why he cant see him again
"Its complicated" He explains with no clarity "ok how about this when you feel down or sad you go to this place and I will come" the boy suggest to girl "Ok you pinky promise?" Y/n said as she took her hand out and raised her pinky finger up...

The boy looked shocked at her action but then took his hand out and did the same hand gesture Y/n then interlocked their fingers together
"Pinky promise!" Douma said with a sad smile on his face knowing that he cant fulfill the promise he did this just to keep her safe

《Inspiration for the paragraph is from:Demons first love》

"Ok I better get going" Y/n then stood up and so did Douma...Y/n gave him a hug and waved good bye

《Doumas POV》

As she left I cant help feel this weird feeling that I cant push away

What is this feeling?

It feels awful

I hate this feeling

Is this what they call sadness?

Man it sucks!

As I sighed I said to myself "we will meet again someday,I will find you someday"

《Y/ns POV》

I then went back to the butterfly estate Shinobu and Kanae are always on a mission so I'm always alone inside the estate

As I roamed the halls I went to my bedroom and took a nice warm bath I putted on my pajama and went to bed

As I sat on my bed I saw the drawing I made of Douma I then grabbed the piece of paper and layed down and stared at it for a while

"I know you lied to me.."

I then dozed off to sleep

○7:36 AM○

I then woke up and got off my bed

"Another boring Saturday" I sighed I then decided to go to Mitsuri and just hang out with her but I then thought that I still need to practice my breathing forms in order to catch up with Mitsuri since she said shes going to the final selection the next 10 months

I then decided to just train and train in order to go with with Mitsuri in the final selection

As I exited my bedroom i went straight to the training room and there I saw Kanae holding a Katana

"Goodmorning Y/n" she said with a bright smile "Goodmorning Kanae-San" i said she then handed the katana to me "what's this for?" I asked she then said "it's your temporary katana until you pass the final selection you will get your own Nichrin" she said she then left the room leaving me alone

She must've has a mission that's why she left again I sighed i was alone again

But no probs I'll just train on my own....

Several hours passed and I FINALLY mastered 9 forms of my breathing stlye exhausted indeed but it will do for the final selection

I repeated the 9 forms until I can master them better than before

Breathing heavily because of exhaustion I decided to call it a day I went to my room to take a shower as I took a shower I cant stop thinking about what happend yesterday it just wont get out of my head

How about I go back to the place were we stargaze yesterday

As I went out of the shower and got in my cloths I immediately went outside and ran as fast as I could to go to my destination the hill where we stargaze

'He said he will go back there when I go there right?'

Running and running

Until I finally reached my destination
I then sat on the soft grass and layed there for awhile and then saw a figure walking and that figure got close to me and then that figure sat down next to me and spoke

"I told you I'll be back"

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