Chapter 17: My Starange Addiction

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《Y/n POV》

Seeing that he dodged my attack he quickly jumped in the air and landing behind me really hard causing me to jump away from him

I landed safely on the ground but all I can see are smoke coming from the
crucial landing he did the smoke then soon turned into blue-ish smoke

Breathing in to unleash another attack I felt a sharp pain as I breath in soon I started to cough 'Shit it's getting hard to breath!'

I went behind a tree to seek cover for sometime to recollect my self I closed my eyes since its drying up because of the smoke

'The smoke cant reach that high right?'

I jumped in the air landing in the same tree I was hiding in

"Y/n-chan~ where are you?" He cooed while looking around for me, let's just hope he doesn't look above

I can finnally breath properly
"There you are!" Hearing his voice behind me I quickly turned around and saw his iconic smile

"This son of bitch" i muttered to myself I lifted my leg to kick him again but he used his fans to block my attack "You wont get me again with that move sweety~"

"If I cant kick you in the guts. I'll just use my sword to cut you half!" Breathing in this time I can use an attack on him

"Moon breathing Second From: Pearl Flower Moongazing" sending slashes of crescent moons towards him whilst him being in the air, him being busy blocking my attack I used this opportunity to escape

Jumping off the tree I ran away but not towards the estate I dont want to drag his bitch ass there

"Hey! where are you going love?" Hearing his footsteps getting closer
"Shut the fuck up you fucking pedo!!"
Running for my life 'hes above me isn't he? Well shit'

Leaping backwards dodging him again "Can you please stop doing that!" Dodging his fans everytime that's trying to slash me into pieces

'Coming here is a real mistake'
Unleashing another attack on him while dodging his attacks

"Fifth From: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy" sending waves of slashes of crescent moons my eyes widend seeing smaller versions of Douma running towards me

Blocking each of there attacks loud clashing sounds can be heard from miles of me blocking them whit my sword

"Y/N! IM BACK!!" Hearing Mitsuri's voice in the distance caught me off guard and one of the small ice figurines managed to cut my cheek and it started to bleed

"My~ not only you look beautiful your blood even smells good!" Hearing his cheery voice behind me once again I turned around. My eyes widend I felt arms around me looking above I saw that he was the one who's hugging Me

"I have something to tell you-" he whispers in my ears "You know that You are my strange addiction"

Hearing does words coming out from his mouth I try to push him off me but he was too strong for me

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Hearing does words coming out from his mouth I try to push him off me but he was too strong for me


Hearing blood splatter on the ground peeking behind him, I saw Mitsuri my eyes glowed with hope

"Aww were not alone now" he pouted
"Hmm before I go~ i want a taste of your blood, just a little"

"I won't let you eat Y/n!" Hearing Mitsuris voice "Well your to late I already have her captive in my arms~"

He then ran and jumped in the air while carrying me in a bride stlye
"Dont worry love I wont let go of you" he said reassuring me 'like I'd believe that'

He soon landed on a old house roof
"Now it will hurt just a little" he whispers in my ear

"What will hu-" he then soon bit my neck causing me to scream in pain but he coverd my mouth so muffled screams can only be heard from me

《Douma's POV》

Tasting her blood is a dream come true! Releasing my lips from her neck i saw that she fainted i must've drank to much blood from her

"Oh my~ looks like I drank to much!"
'Oh well' i sat down on the roof of the house and placed her head on my lap

"I will soon have you to myself"

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