Chapter 24: The Journey Back

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《Had to bust out my Spotify playlist for this 💀
And also damn 2k reads?! Ya'll really thirsty for Douma. I mean I ain't lying he be kinda fine tho-
And also if u forgot this book doesn't follow the demon slayer time line so that means Kanao is still not here but maybe she will appear in this chapter
But who knows?》


I waited for Shinobu to finish packing her things I sat on edge of the bed, touching my scar I got from Him the suddenly the memory of him biting my neck, I shook my head to get rid of the memory of Douma

"Ok were ready to go!" She shouted happily at me, I got up from the bed and i felt a hand grasp my wrist, I look to see it was Shinobu

"Are you ok? You look bothered" she asked me, I said I was fine and I was only tired, "Oh and by the way there wont be just the five of us in the estate" she said while letting go of my wrist

"And why is that?"

"Well I kind of saved a little girl named Kanao!" She said while clapping her hands together I smiled at the thought of having another little sister that I can protect and take care of

"Well we better get going! I wanna meet her now!!" I said while smiling happily

'A family is all I wanted when I was a little kid, having my parents gone is the saddest thing that can happen to a 13 yr old. But now my life is complete'

《Meanwhile in the slayer corps》

{3rd person POV}

"T-They are alive?!" Mitsuri shouted at the crow in disbelief "CAW!! CAW!! WHAT DID YOU THINK I SAID!!" the crow shouted at Mitsuri

"T-They survived!?" Suki said while breaking the news to Maki "They're alright! I knew they would survive!"

"I'm glad they are ok"
"Hmm they actually survived"
those were just the responses of the people who knew Y/n actually is still alive

《Back to Y/n and Shinobu》

《Y/n's POV》

Walking through the thick forest, it was the best short cut to the Slayer corps. Shinobu said she went to this forest many times so she basically knew the way back

The Journey back was kind of quite until a scream broke the silence
"HELP!" I grabbed the hilt of my sword "Y/n, you get the high ground and I get the low ground" I nodded and jumped in the air

I soon landed on a tree branch, I scanned my surroundings while Shinobu running around the forest to find the source of the scream, and what caused it

"Y/n! I finnaly found you!" I felt strong arms around me, I gasped in shock
"W-what the-" I turned to look and saw that Douma is back

{ 3rd person }

Y/n used there shoulder to give Douma a powerful nudge in the chest, causing Him to let go of Y/n
"Hey! That hurts!" Douma pouted.
Y/n jumped down towards the ground

They saw Shinobu helping a severely injured man "Nii-San! We need to go!!" Y/n shouted to Shinobu

"Y/n what's wrong?" Shinobu rushed to Y/n's aid and clamed them down
"H-Hes here" Shinobu felt another presence, not just Y/n's or hers but it was kind of threatening

"Y/n-chan! Where are you~" a male voice called out Shinobu looked around the forest to find the one who said that

Y/n then turned around while grabbing there katana to block a unexpected attack
"Oh! I was aiming at girl next to you but seems like you block my attack"

"Yeah, no shit sherlock! The fuck you think you i was gonna do? Let you slash my sister with that goofy ass fan of yours?!" Y/n said while struggling to stop Douma from laying a single finger on there dear sister

"Awe~ I never knew you were this protective towards the ones you dearly love~ So why don't you protect me also?" Y/n took the chance to kick Douma in the stomach

"You said I was protective with the ones I love? And You're asking me why dont I protect You also?!"

"Well here's some news for you buddy I dont love you nor do I like you so does that answer your question hmm?" Y/n said while pointing there sword at Douma whos slowly getting up

"Don't worry love, I'll make sure you'll love me~"


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