Chapter 16: We Finnaly Meet Again

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After leaving the Training room with my sword in hand I left the estate and saw that the sky is now dark blue and the street lights are the only light source. I saw Mitsuri running towards me and on her waist is her sword she  is now next to me

"Y/n! Come on let's go!" She said excitedly as she dragged me to the forest "You know,I'm starting to have second thoughts on coming here" I said whilst her dragging me to the forest

"You know you should remember that we have swords at hand? And we could easi-"

'Tsk I still have the feeling that I'm being watched'

"-Right?" I snapped out of my thoughts "oh yeah right" I noticed that we are now deep inside the forest

"See it's not that bad!" Mitsuri said while looking at a squirrel on the ground I sighed and sat on a tree trunk thats laying on the ground

I looked above and closed my eyes and relaxed my muscle. It's kind of nice to get some time to relax

"H-HELP PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" I shot my eyes open and quickly standed up looking around Mitsuri noticed me panicking

"Hey Y/n? Are ok?" She went closer to me and I looked at her with a questioned look on my voice "Did you not hear someone scream for help?"

She looked at me with also a questioned look,she then told me that she did not hear anything and told me to sit down and so I did. Must be my imagination

"PLEASE HELP!!" There it goes again but this time I won't just sit and shrug it off the call for help like nothing

I standed up and ran towards the voice "Y/n! Wait up where are you going?" Hearing Mitsuris voice grew fainter and fainter as I ran towards the voice

"HELP!" As the voice grew more closer. I saw a woman holding her bloody arm her cloths are all covered in blood

"Ma'am what happend?!" I heard a growling noise I dragged the woman behind me and drawed my sword and got into a fighting stance

"My,My What do we have here?" Said the voice "Dont be a pussy and reveal your self"

"No need to be rude love~" the demon than revealed its self,my eyes widend and saw who it was

He had blonde hair rainbow eyes and he was decently super tall
'H-hes the demon who attacked Shinobu and Kanae...Wait,hes the one who killed my sister!'

Biting my inner cheek "oh how you've grown since the last time we've met

How does he know my name?
"And who are you exactly?" I asked him while still keeping my guard up

"Y/n! Why did you run of all of a sudde-" Mitsuri had catch up on me but something had stopped her from continuing her sentence

"Y-Y/n you do realise that h-hes an Upper rank?" Mitsuri said with a trembling voice

I stared him dead In the eyes and saw the kanji on his eyes and it read
'Uppermoon 6' did I get scared?
No why?

I was a bad bitch,and bad bitches dont get scared "I know that but-"

I pointed my sword at him and said
"I'm more scared of the world explodeding than an upper rank in front of me" the demon then smirked and said

"You are quite a feisty one~" he said while putting one of his fans on his chin

"Mitsuri get the girl out of here" I looked at her and she nods she then lifted the girl up and ran off

"Ho! ho! Perfect~ only just the two of us" he cheers 'what a creep'

You noticed that he was looking at your neck and directly at your necklace "Looks like you received my gift" he said while pointing at my neck

"In your dreams! This was given by my friend-"

"And your so called friend was me"
He said while cutting me off I bit my inner cheek "Cat got your tounge?"
He asked. He then opened one of his fans I gripped my sword even tighter

"So your telling me,that your Douma?" I asked "Yep!" He said with a cheery voice 'I swear his voice is so annoying!'

"Impossible! My friend is a human not a demon,plus hes the same age as me" I replied "If you really my friend...what did we do last month?"

He closed his fan and tapping his finger on his cheek "we star gazed!"
He answered "T-that is correct" I said with a trembling voice

"Now,now no need to be afraid-" I blinked and saw he was now gone
"I will not hurt you" he was now suddenly behind me I quickly turned around and came face to face with him

Our faces were to close together I swung my sword and aimed at his neck but he was now gone I felt a presence above I looked above and saw him and two of his fans are aiming at me

I gripped my sword and lifted it above to block his attack clashing sounds can be heard as we clashed are weapons together

"My~ you are stronger than I thought! Even just for a trainee you are quite strong" he praised me I cant help but be disgusted

I used all my strength to push him away I lifted my leg to kick him in the stomach as I push him and suprisingly he flew meters away

"What power!" He ran as fast as light towards me "Moon breathing First form: Dark moon evening place!"

rays of crescent moons appear before him he was quite suprised by my breathing stlye

♤Douma's POV♤

I cant help but be amazed by her raw power I cant even imange what strength she will posses if she becomes a hashira!

I snapped out off my thoughts and saw slashes crescent moons appeared before me

'Is upper moon 1 here?'

'No impossible! Wait it came from her?!'

'How did she learn about moon breathing? No Kokushibo wont train anyone ever?!'

Dogging her attack while still shock that she know how to use moon breathing

'I need to learn about her more! Plus shes so cool too,hmmm I'll just wait till shes the right age as me then I can abduct her!"

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