Chapter 20: Spending Time With You Is A Dream Come True

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《Y/n's POV》

I fake a smile that made him blush
'Blush all you can and soon enough I'll escape this hell hole!'

I saw that he grabbed a napkin and wiped something near my lips
"There was dirt on your face" he smiled at me 'Hes fake as fuck'

"Thank you Douma-San" I thanked him, he then embraced me in a hug "why are you so cute!?" He squealed while hugging me tightly

<Time Skip>

I finished my food while getting stared at by him 'Why must you be so creepy?' I put the dishes in the sink and grabbed the sponge but I felt a hand on my hand

"No need to do that, my followers can clean that up for you" he said I jumped slightly by his presence "Your quite a jumpy one hmm?" He cooed in my ear

I brush his hand off mine and put some dish soap on the sponge to wash the dishes that was used "I already tol-"

"And I dont want people clean up things that I messed up" I cut him up and he just 'Hmm' at my response to him

I finished with the dishes and placed them where they used to be
"You know you'll be a great mother one day" he said while placing his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his palm

'He finnally sat down' I dried my hands and opend the shoji door, only to be stopped by someone grabbing my wrist and its its obviously Douma

"Hey~ where are you going?" He asked and pulled me close to him causing my back to smash into his hard rock chest

"Ow?" He just chuckled and made me face him directly "Where are you going?" He then asked again

I sighed "I'm going back to the room I qout on qout slept in" I answered his question with a slightly annoyed tone

"Hmm~ Ok I'll come with you then!" He said pulling me into a side hug
He kept side hugging me while walking through the hallways with ofcourse people snickering when they see us

We finnally arrived at our destination
He opened the door for me and I immediately went inside and plopped down on the bed I turned around to see two pair of arms both on the side of my head and trapping me from getting up

I turned to face Douma "What do you want?" He looked at me with the wide grin "Can I cuddle with you?" He asked with puppy eyes

I sighed and stretched my arms out and he immediately plopped down on my embrace, my face cant help but turn ten shades of red

"I never felt this warm embrace in my life!" He blushed in my embrace
'Shit why is he so cute?!'

"My~ what is that red shade on your face?" He booped my nose
"I-I Shut up" I turned my head to the side to avoid eye contact with him
He hugged me even tighter

"You know that you can sleep right?" He said to me "L-let go of me first" he let's go of the embrace and sit on the side of the bed, I fixed the pillows and layed on the bed

I see him just staring at me I sighed knowing he wants another hug
I stretched my arms and he immediately went in my embrace

I closed my eyes to rest for awhile

<Time Skip>

I woke up, and noticed I felt warm I looked and saw that I was on top of Douma and he was hugging me

'Looks like hes asleep'

Little did I know we was just faking it
He shot his eyes open and looked at me with a smile "You're awake! Good we can go to the garden and spend sometime there!" He said with sparkles in his eyes

I try and get of his embrace and I succeeded in doing so, and now I was straddling him I noticed he was red as fuck I looked at him questionably, I then noticed I was STRADDLING him

I suddenly turned into a beat red color and I mean really BEAT RED
I immediately got of him
"I-Im Sorry!" I went straight to the bathroom and closed the door

I sat there still red from what happend earlier, I slapped my self
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" I yelled to myself

I went to the mirror and rested my arms on the sink

《Douma's POV》

I just layed there on the bed still frozen about what happend earlier
I sat up and just sat there in shock

"N-no Douma stop thinking about that! Shes a minor!" I slapped myself in the face "wish Y/n-chan would slap me" I muttered to myself

I feel heat rush through my face
I realized that Y/n dosent have clothes ready for her

"Oh no! she must've went and took a bath?!" I immediately jumped out of bed and went outside the room

I saw one of my followers and called her I ran towards her "Oh! Reyna! Can you bring me clothes for Y/n?" I asked her she nods and went her way

I went back inside the room and saw Y/n peeking through the bathroom door with her hair wet
'She did take a bath!'

"Oh! Douma-San! Do you have extra clothes?" She asked while peeking through the door

"My follower is getting one right now!" I said with a smile I sat on the side of the bed

"Oh um can I kind of wore one of your kimonos here that are folded, I hope you dont mind-" she went outside the bathroom door

My eyes widend on how cute she looks! She looks like a little me!!

She wore my beige hamaka pants and my red kimono thats to big for her
I ran towards her and hugged her tightly

She wore my beige hamaka pants and my red kimono thats to big for her I ran towards her and hugged her tightly

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"You look so cute~" I heard a knock on the door and I let go of her and went to the door

And I saw Reyna she has the clothes for Y/n "Oh thank you Reyna!" I said she bowed down and left the room

"Looks like your gonna be wearing that for now" I placed the Kimono on the bed and went towards her

"So what do you want to do?" I asked

"You said we will go to the garden?" She said "That's perfect!" I dragged her out the room and went outside

'I'm having the best time of my life!'

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