Chapter 21: Stragazing

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(A/n: I seam to realize that the chapter always ends with Doumas POV XD)

《Y/n's POV》

Running through the halls with Douma like little kids, "Douma slow down!" But he didn't slow down we soon arrived at the garden he was talking about

I cant lie though, the garden was pretty beautiful its self it was filled with all kinds of flowers with different colors

"Well here we ar-" I walked pass him to run towards a beautiful pond the pond has two koi fish, one was black and had a white spot on it head and the other one is white but whit a black spot on its head

"Wha~" I raised my pointer finger and poked the water which caused the fish to swim away I saw myself in the reflection in the water

"Hmm~ you really like animals, No?" I Douma's reflection in the water I turned to face him "I kind of do-"

"Good, Good!" He completely cutted me off I went to look at the pond again and I saw a two lotus flower going towards us, one of the colors of the lotus is in my (F/C) and one is red

"Oh! Oh! Look that one lotus is in my favorite color" Douma then points at the red lotus "No shit? Your whole outfit is red" I responded to him

(A/n: I actually dont know what Doumas favorite color is so let's just pretend that its red!)

I just gave me a closed eyed smile, I looked at the two lotus again and saw that they bumbed into each other and it caused them to move separate ways

Douma then pushed the red one to the other lotus, to my surprise the two lotus spins around each other seaming like they are dancing in a ballroom

I cant help but smile, "You know you should smile more, you look cute when you smile" I felt someone pick me up and place me in there lap

And I was ofcourse on Douma's lap I looked above the starry night sky seeing bunch of stars, it's like the sky is literally full of them everywhere I look I see stars

"Hey! How about we go up a hill and go stargaze there?" I just nod at Douma's suggestion I got of him and helped him get up but to be soon be carried in a bridal stlye by him

"Hey! I told you I have legs!!" I try and squirm out of his grasp but he is to strong for me "it's ok love! I can carry you there faster anyways" we then exited the garden he bolted straight to the main door

"Oh wait I forgot something! Wait here" he placed me down on the front of the main door he then disappeared into thin air

<Few minutes later>

He came back and opened the door for me and carried me right away
He then jumped in the air causing me to panic since I'm quite afraid of heights

"DOUMAAAAAAA!!!" I screamed his name while tightly hugging his neck
All he did was chuckle at my actions I closed my eyes "Hey, it's ok you can open your eyes now"

"HELL NO!" I protested at his suggestion "Please~" he begged me to open my eyes and so I did

I open my eyes only to be greeted by the stars above me, the has this dark purple to blue shade with white dots that are the stars

We soon landed in a hill, he placed me down on the grassy hill and we sat down on the on the grass, I instead layed down on the grass while he is sitting down

He just chuckled at my action "Remember that I went to get something earlier?" He said while looking down at me. I jus gave him a 'Hmm' response

"Well I went and grabbed this" I sat up to see what he pulled out I saw that it was my sword and something else

( Dun dun dun! What a cliff hanger! Sorry that this chapter was short since I want the next chapter to be a surprise! You'll never know maybe i might write an 'Angst'?)

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