Chapter 25: All I Want Is You

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"Me?! Loving you?! That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard from a Demon who killed my sister"

"Look...I wont hurt your sister if you come with me or you can choose the other way and fight me for your sister" Douma looked at me then looked at Shinobu

I pushed Shinobu aside, and I was right, vines of ice caught me instead of Shinobu "Y/n! Dont worry I'll help you"

"No! Shinobu don't!!" Douma was now behind her and he knocked her out. I tried to break one of the vines, using all my strength to only break one of them

I heard a loud growl coming from the forest 'no it's not coming from Douma then who-' I saw a tiger come out from the bushes, it then pounced on Douma
And it bit his head while decapitating him

The tiger then got off him and went towards me and ripped the vines out of my wrist, I went straight to Shinobu passing Douma who's regenerating already

I grabbed her and placed on the back of the tiger it soon gestured me to get on it's back too which I did

It soon ran away from Douma who's now getting up "Oh no~ Not this time I'll get you Y/n!"

"Please go faster" and the tiger did go faster I grabbed Shinobu tight as I can so she wont fall off the tiger, I looked behind me and saw Douma is catching up with us

We soon arrived at a village people were shock that a tiger just came out the forest with people on it's back

'Seems like we have back up' I saw a few of the Demon slayers Rengoku and Giyuu, they saw me and Shinobu Douma then appeared into the scene

"Y/n?" I heard Rengoku call out to me
He then ran towards me so as Giyuu but they were stopped by little Douma ice figures, they block there attacks while slashing there neck clean

I got off the tiger "Take her to a safe place" the tiger nodded "I'll call you when everything is ok" it soon ran away

"Y/n~ you're husband is here~" I cringed at the though of Douma being my husband I block his attack and kicked him in the stomach again. This time I charged at him trying to slash my sword towards his neck

'Moon breathing: Dark Moon evening place!' But he blocked my attack and this time he was the one to kick me in the stomach, i felt pain rush all over my body since I hit a wall but I sucked it up and standed up

Light blue smoke start to appear and its slowly getting hard to breath my eyes are slowly drying up 'Not this again' I jumped on top of a roof

Coughing my lungs out while coverring my mouth and nose while I looked around my surroundings while keeping my guard up I felt a presence behind me I looked behind me and saw it was Rengoku

He put his pointer finger on his lips gesturing me to be quite, I nodded
"You can't run away forever Y/n" Douma spoke out in a demanding tone

The smoke soon started to fade and it was getting easier to breath. My eyes widend to see Giyuu already fighting Douma while I was just waiting for the smoke to clear meanwhile seeing Giyuu fighting for his life while being wounded triggered something in me

Breathing in as hard us I can, jumping down from the roof "Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail!" Sending a bigger version of a slash similar to the first form

Running as fast as I can to save Giyuu from the gigantic slash I just made since it was not just aimed at Douma it was also aimed at Giyuu, barely saving Giyuu from slash looking back at Douma who was about to swing his fans at Giyuu but he got me instead cutting the side of my forehead

Blood start to drip out of the side of my head, I carried Giyuu to the rooftop where I came from
"You good?" I asked him while placing him down carefully

"His wounds look bad" Renguko said while checking Giyuu, he was having trouble breathing

"HEY! WHATS GOING ON HERE?!" I looked and saw it was a one of the citizen's "Hmm~ Seems like we have a guest! Now go...We dont want to get messy no?" Douma demanded in a deep tone

"Your the one who should piss of!" And that seems like to piss Douma off, he lift his hand up but before he gets to slash the man Rengoku carried the man away

I suddenly felt dizzy, I soon remembered tha cut Douma gave me
"Shit!" Blood wont stop bleeding out of my head "Ara~ Ara~ What happend to you Y/n?" I heard Shinobu's voice


"Since when did you became there little Sister/Brother?" Giyuu asked while breathing slowly "Since my sister found her, and they are now considered family to us!" She said while grabbing bandages

She soon patched Giyuu up and she then patched me up next, she wrapped the bandage around my head I soon heard a growl

"Hey buddy!" I saw the tiger jump up the roof I patted the tigers head and it purred at my touch I order the tiger to guard over Giyuu "Let's save the chit chat later, Let's kill this bitch" we soon jumped down the roof

"Thanks for holding him Rengoku-San!" He smiled at me

"No worry's Y/n! After all that's our job!"

"There you are Love~" Douma called out to me "Fuck off dipshit!" I send a powerful slash towards him to which he blocked, Shinobu appeared behind him and started to give him gabs on his back

"Ha! What's gonna do to me?" He said and he started to cough "Looks like its starting to put some effect on you!" He dodged Regoku's attack his neck start to taint a purple color

"So your sword is covered with poison?" He just grinned
at us "and when you put back your katana on its sheath its loaded with poison now" he laughed

"Hmm your dear sister is smarter than I thoug-" his eyes widend when he saw my katana nearly on his neck he saw that it was his dear beloved human Me

His head drop and rolled towards my feet, I picked his head up and said
"Well, Well speechless are we?" His face is soon turned into light pink color

Blush soon soon too his face
"You never got this close to my face hee~"
"Your more beautiful up close!"

He happily smiled at me "Wait your not fading away? No- you chopped your head before this did you?"

"What a clever girl/boy~" miniature ice figures of Douma soon appear behind his headless body

"Are you ready for round two love?"

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