Chapter 18: Demons Love

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《Mitsuri's POV》

seeing the demons figure disappeare I try to catch up to it 'that thing is holding Y/n hostage!'

Running as fast as I can, I cant to seem catch up it soon enough I cursed in my breath. I need to be fast in order for me to save Y/n! Looking around the place and I then realised I lost them

I coverd my mouth preventing for me to scream in realization that I just lost Y/n to a Demon

《Y/n's POV》

As he sucked my blood my world soon started to fade and turn into pure darkness, little did I know i was soon laying my head down on Douma's lap


'Whose voice is that?'


looking around that's full of darkness I saw a figure in the distance and the figure look like me, the figure soon came closer to me "YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!"

Shotting my eyes up I looked around I seem to be in a bedroom like place
"Shit! Where am i?" Looking around further for clues on where I am, the room looks like to be littered with red and black colors with a touch of gold

Feeling a sharp pain in my neck I soon remembered the incident that happend earlier "I must be in his place?"

I got out of bed and went straight to the huge door "who the fuck needs this big of a door?" Looking above seeing the height of the door, I open the door to be greeted with a long hallway

I exit the room I was in and walked the hall I soon heard a blood curdling scream grabbing my sword but it's not on my belt, I went back to the room I was in before searching for my sword

But to no availe I decided to just leave and go find the source of the scream I ran through the hall in search of the scream

Running and running until I came to another room, I noticed that the door is slightly open I took a peek and saw Douma hunched back and munching on something

I coverd my nose because of the awful smsmelof blood 'this is why i hate demons'

I felt i presence behind me i slightly turned my head and saw him behind me i slightly jumped

"Seems like your awake" he whispers in my ears, his voice sends shivers down my spine i fully turned around to face him i soon opened my mouth to speak "Where am i" I stare and him coldly

"Yout at my place, the Enternal Paradise Cult!" He say putting me in a side hug I slowly remove his hand since he just ate someone inside the room

"Ok so let me get this straight, I'm at your place-"

"Yep!" He said cutting me off I sighed, I then walked pass him 'I need to find the main entrance and escape this place'

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" I sensed something coming towards me so I jumped while doing a backflip, I somehow landed in some vine thing he summoned

"What good reflexes you have love"
He praises me

"You know instead of simping over me, how about you show me the exit of this place?" Jumping off the vine and running off

"Aww but I want you to stay here~" he says with a pouting voice, he is now running next to me. You know this hallway is really long

"You summoned one of your miniature self am I right?" He then nods at me I felt something hit my back, something then pinned me down

"My~ not so feisty now, are we?" He say while bowing down to my level since I am now laying down on the ground

I gave him a stern look that screams 'Fuck-off' he blinks for a minute and gave me a beautiful smile

"You know, how does it feel to have pretty privileges?" I asked him

He thinks for a minute "Hmmm it feels good! Since people do anything for me because of my eyes!" He say with a bright smile

"Ok that still dosent change the fact that I give two fucks about you. Now if you excuse me how about you untie me?" He then chuckles at my action and he then soon untied me and helped me stand up

'I do have to say he if quite attractive'

"Are you hungry my dear?" He ask I then nod in response he the soon carrys me in a bridal stlye

"H-hey I have legs you know!" I shouted at him his eyes widend he then smirks

《Douma's POV》

Seeing my little Y/n being flustered I smirk a little but remembering that she is still a minor and not allegedly ready for me to love her yet

I'll just have to wait for her!

Then we'll live happily ever after!!

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