Chapter 14: A Letter

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"I promise"

《Y/n POV》

Shinobu then lets go of the hug and patted my head it was quite nice to be honest "Get stronger for me,and Kanae-San" she then smiled down on me

"Come on let's go eat" we then exit the training room and went dining hall where there I saw Aoi preparing the table she was already placing the plates down on the table

"Good evening Shinobu-Sama and
Y/n-san" she greeted us with a smile
"Good evening to Aoi" Shibobu greeted her to with a smile

We then sat down on the chairs and ate the food

<time skip>

After we finished our food I thanked Aoi for the food she made I then went outside the estate I decided to also bring my temporary katana and went to the dark forest where the demons lurk it was just next to the village I went to last time

Wanna know why I went there? Well its because I want to to see if I can really fight a demon,and I also want to prepare my self for the final selection
I then waited inside the forest for sometimes

I heard sound behind me so I just waited for the thing behind me to just come out and show it self

"Huh? Never knew finding a meal here would be this easy?" They then chuckled I hummed in response

"Oi! Are one of those pesky demon slayers?" I then turned to the demon behind me and then spoke "No...I'm only a trainee" I said with a sadistic smile

"Then this just made things easier!" The demon then pounces straight at me but I moved to the side with ease

The demon then fell on its ass as I chuckled still with the same sadistic smile "What the hell?!" It then got up and ran towards me and tried to claw my my face

"Moon breathing first form: Dark moon,Evening place" I said clamly my sword aiming at its neck my katana then cutted through its neck and send its head flying in the air

Its head then landed on the ground while rolling towards me

"Hee~ you were weaker than I though Demon" it started at me with angry eyes it was obvious that he really wants to kill me but I got him first

"YOU JUST WAIT!! Until i reincarnate and kill you myself!!" It shouted as its head start to disintegrate

"Let's see but your fate might be like this one though" i then stomped at him making him die faster

"This will really become my hobby,to see filthy demons die because of me. Oh~ the sweet feeling of killing demons is so good,watching them disintegrate into dust. Watching there helpless faces as they die"

I flicked my sword to get rid of the blood stain from the demon

<time skip>

I went back to the estate and went to my room and got ready for bed

I stared at the wall thinking of Douma and wondering what he was doing at the moment he might be asleep at the moment

'Should I go outside and go on top of the roof? Yes,yes I should' i got up from bed and went to the window next to bed. I opened it as the cold wind passed through me I saw few leaves flew with the wind

Since the window in my room has a small shade-ing thing above it I grabbed onto it,my hands gripped the shade-ing thing I flipped my body in a backflip way

I then landed on the shade-ing thing I grabbed on the real roof above me since my room is in the upper floor get room is close to the roof

I jumped on the roof and landed safely on it I looked above seeing stars shine with the moon. I fully sat on top if the roof

I decided to look down onto where u came from I then saw a mail man carrying a box

I decided to go down and go to the man this about to reach the front door I saw a tree near the roof I decided to take that path down

I got up from my sitting position and ran like a maniac to the tree. I jumped on a tree branch I jumped on another tree branch and so on

I landed safely down the ground with a loud thumpping noise as I landed making the mail man face towards me

He looked at me with a dumbfounded look i dusted my self of and walked towards him

He then cleared his throat and spoke
"Umm this package is from Douma,and this package is for
Y/n,Adachi" my eyes winded Douma sent me this package?

"Oh...I'm Y/n" I said blandly he then handed me the package and then left as possible "I must've scared him off?"

I then went back inside the estate and back to my room

After I reached my room I sat down on my bed and opened the box after I did I was met with another box that's 3x smaller than the original box

"Wow what a pleasant surprise" I then grabbed the small box and setted the big box aside i noticed that the small box is also warped beautifully the ribbon is red and the box is black

I enspect the box and saw a letter at the bottom of it and it read

'Hello Y/n! It's me Douma,I decided to give you a little present since it's been
A while since we've met once again.
If you open the box you will see something you might like!

I hope you will love my small gift!
I also wish that we can meet again soon,I've been busy lately so I couldn't meet you again :(

I was thinking that we should write letters to catch up sometimes?

Anyways I hope you see this letter :)

Sincerely yours: Douma♡'

After reading the letter Douma sent me I opened the box and saw a beautiful necklace,I scanned the necklace and recalled that it was the necklace I was looking at the shop in the village

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