Chapter 11: One Dying Rose And One Blooming Rose

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(No ones POV)

Y/n then gets up from bed she looks at her self in the mirror and stares at her self

"Man I face looks Haggard as fuck" she then gets inside the bathroom and turns on the faucet and went inside the tub as she submerges in the water she closed her eyes and just relaxed her body

<time skip>

She got in her cloths she then remembers it was her birthday she then hurriedly went out of her room and ran across the halls to look for Kanae she tired looking for her in her room and she was not there


In the Garden

On the roof


Sitting place

As she searches the estate to see that Kanae was no were to be found she only has one more place to look for the training room

She then ran as fast as she could to the traning she opened the doors and saw

"Happy Birthday day!"

"Happy Birthday day Y/n!"

She saw all the Hashiras and her friends including Kagaya she then ran to Kanae and hugged her tight

As she sobs her eyes out of happiness Kanae patted her head and everyone then joined the hug

"Thank you guys for coming to my Brithday" as happy tears escape her eyes she never got to celebrate her birthday when she was just a homeless girl and even almost forgot when was her Birthday and on what month

(P.S Y/n was just a 8 yr when her parents died and this year she is now 14 yr)

"Happy Birthday Y/n!" Nika said and hugged Y/n tight as she could and Y/n couldn't breath properly because of it to,Suki then joined the hug and so did Mitsuri

"Thank you guys!"she said with a big smile on her face she never got to celebrate her birth like 5 years ago

♡◇Time skip◇♡

Everybody then left the party since the still have missions to go to in was 3 pm at the time and Kanae had to leave to go on a mission

"Thank you for this day Kanae-San" she thanked Kanae as she hugged her once more "it's nothing my child,you deserve to celebrate your birth every year in the remembrance of when your mother gave birth to you" she then said and hugged Y/n for the last time since she will go on a dangerous mission

because there was suspicion that a Upper moon is lurking in the Red light District

Kanae then waved goodbye to Y/n,Y/n then remembered that Kanae is also going with Shinobu "Goodluck guys!!" The Kocho sisters then waved goodbye to Y/n who was giving them a waved

As the two disappeared beyond her vision she went inside the estate and went to the training room

<time skip>

After training for several hours sweat drips from her forehead she then sat down on the ground breathing heavily it's like she was going to pass out any moment now

Her vision slowly getting blurry and her head spinning like crazy her body then dropped on the ground as she passed out due to that she was sitting the impact she dealt wasn't that hard

*Knock knock*

"Y/n-san it's time for dinner" as the three little girls enter the training room they saw Y/n passed out cold on the ground "AHHH! Y/N-SAN PLEASE WAKE UP!!!" one of the girls said one then said that they should call Aoi and ask for help and so they did

As Aoi entered the room she was terrified that Y/n might be dead but it turns out that she only had a bad fever and she out worked herself out she was really hot and iys like her skin was gonna anyone who will touch it

<time skip>

" head what happend?" As she looks around and saw that she was in her room and her head still spinning but the pain was bearable she got up from bed but fell back into it again she just decided to just lay down on the bed since she cant even get up from it

"Now what am I gonna do?" Sighing as she closed her eyes and passed out to dreamland again

Days turned into weeks and still Kanae has not returned from her mission,Y/n still having a fever but in the pass few days and now shes fully healed anxiously waiting for there return

"Y/N! Shinobu and Kanae are back from there mission!" Aio shouted as Y/n hurriedly ran to the front door there she saw the three little girls comforting Shinobu who was crying her eyes out

"Shinobu-San what happend? Wheres Kanae-San!?" Y/n asked Shinobu still crying on the floor

"SHES GONE THE DEMON KILLED HER!!" She said while crying like crazy on the floor "S-shes g-gone? Your lying right?! Tell me your lying?!?!" Y/n asked while tears slowly from from her eyes "do I look like I'm lying?!"

Water began to leak out of Y/n's eyes she never even get to say goodbye to sister

Yes Y/n now accepts that shes one of the Kocho sisters they treated her like one to and now there oldest sister is now dead and long gone

Y/n cried out loud Shinobu then comforted her too she Pat's her head to help Y/n calm down now that shes
The second oldest she will now be the eldest for Y/n

"Shhh...its ok I'm here dont worry I'm sure Oni-chan will be sad if she sees us cry" Shinobu said trying to comfort her and calm her down Y/n then fell asleep in Shinobu's arms

*dont worry Y/n I'll protect you like what my sister did* she mumbled to her self

<6:10 am>

Day light finally came the sun shining trough the windows Y/n woke to see Shinobu embracing her in a hug Y/n never felt a hug of a mother she only felt it once when she hurted herself

She then went back to sleep since she still wants to cuddle with her sister and stay by her side

<7:00 am>

Y/n then woke up to realize that Shinobu already left and was not on her bed she got up and did her morning routine

She went to the training room and saw Shinobu there waiting for her and saw to oddly shaped vase in different sizes that vary from small,medium,large

"Goodmorning Y/n as you may know that you already have 9 breathing forms that you practiced from your on in order for me to let you to go to the final selection you need to break these things first" Shinsaid while pointing to the oddly spahed vase

Y/n then grabbed a vase that was small then she tried to blow into the vase

《Caught you slacking in 4k🤨📸📸》

And the vase did crack but it did not break she tried again and again and finally she broke one of the vase

She then took the medium sized one she blowed in the vase and cracks only formed she tried again and again but no success she tried for hours but never accomplished

She then decided to use one of her breathing stlyes the first form of Moon breathing

'First form: Dark moon evening place!"


The vase finally broke apart and moon like crescents escape from the vase

"" she said with a tired voice she went straight to bed and fell asleep

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