Chapter 10: Rewrite The Stars

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"Told I'll be back"


As I turned around to my left I saw him as he was smiling at me I then hugged him immediately my hug was so tight I think I almost killed him

"Hee~ you really did miss me?" He said as I let go of him and then replied with a smile "You think?"

"You really are sarcastic" he said as we both giggled wind rushed passed us letting both of our long hair flow with the wind

"I thought you'll never come back like you said?" He then looked at me with the most beautiful smile ever that no one can resist

"Well I happen to stop by and go back here....thought like I said I cant come back well except this time" he said with a sad tone in his voice

"Hey umm how about I walk you home it's getting pretty late" he said to
Me "what? This early?" He then smiled down at me and it looks like I have no choice

I then standed up and he grabbed my hand we then ran past the thick trees as the moonlight shined down on us it was a beautiful time but little did I know it will be the last time I'll ever see him again

Few minutes later

He then walked me to the estate he was quite trembling in fear and i dont know why like his super safe here since there are Hashiras all around the place

"Well looks like were here" I sighed knowing I wont meet him again he then gave me a peck on the cheek and waved goodbye and he seems to be in a hurry and I dont know why

"Huh...he kissed my cheek.....h-he kissed me?!" I shouted in realization that he gave me a peck on the cheek!!

"Calm down Y/n it was just a small peck on your cheek" I then exhaled and try to calm myself down

I then entered the estate and saw Kanae standing in the hall looking at me worriedly I asked her what's wrong she then replied "Who where you talking to outside?" She said to me with worried eyes

"Oh that was Douma he was a friend of mine I met in the village near by!" I said to her she then walked over to me "then why do i smell a demon outside with were not friends with a demon or-"

"Look Kanae-San,I know your worried but there's nothing to worry about I'm ok and well" I said to her I then hugged her to ease her worriedness on me

*sigh* "ok I'm going on a mission tomorrow afternoon" she said with now not as worried as before and plus it was good timing my Birthday is actually tomorrow!

"What really? Tomorrow is my birthday maybe we could celebrate it before afternoon?" I suggested to her she then looked at me and nodded as a response she then said that I need to go to sleep

But I still can't think about what happend earlier I then got washed up and got ready for bed

"Ne~ y/n-chan I missed you so much it was so boring with put you today!"

She giggled at the boys attitude

"Oh you poor thing I hope you die of boredom one day :)"

《Sorry guys for a short chapter I'm not feeling quite inspired today so yeah I'll make a long chapter next time :(》

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