Chapter 3: in the beginning

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"Master has arrived"

As I looked at the house like building
And I felt a hand on my head and it pushed me down on the ground in bowing like state

"HEY WATCH IT-" I yelled but I got cut off " Shut up! He's here!" The white hair man yelled as I looked around I saw everyone in the same bowing state and also Kanae-San

"Well what a beautiful night my dear children" the man said as I slightly lifted my head up to see who spoke

As I looked I saw a man with short black hair and his one eye is blind and one is still kinda ok but purple like veins are slowly reaching his right eye

"Nice to meet you again Kagaya-Sama"
Kanae said to the man
"Nice to meet you again Kanae" the so called 'Kagaya' said

"Though I see you've brought someone to the Corps?" He asked
Kanae "Yes,she will become one of my Tsugoku" she replied "Will you allow me to train her Master?" She asked

"Ofcourse Kanae. So what's your name Child?" He asked me with a smile "Sanemi let go of her" he said with a quite serious tone

"Ofcourse Kagaya-Sama" Sanemi said
And lets go of my head

As I standed up and all the people looked at me "Ugh I hate people looking at me!"

"So what's your name child?" He asked once again
"My name is Y/n,Adachi" I said as a reply to him

"Hmm Y/n...what a lovely name!" He said with the most gorgeous smile I've seen

I got flattered no ones complemented my own name!

"T-Thank you Sir" I said to him
"You can call me Kagaya" he said to me "Hai!" I said

"Ok...Kanae go bring her to your estate" he asked Kanae "As you wish master" she replied and standed up and grabbed my hand

I made I contact whit Sanemi and I stuck out my tongue and blowed him a rasberry

I could see veins pop out from his head and its obvious that his angry

"Just to see him angry like this makes my day! Hah!"

As we got closer to her estate i looked up and saw ITS FUCKING HUGE
"So you live here?" I asked her
"Yep!" She said as looked back at the estate I still cant believe she lives here!

"Ok so I have a sister her name is Shinobu" she said to me "Hmm ok!"
I replied "she will show you your room where you will stay" she reminded me

"Ok so I just knock or what?" I said I was really nervous to meeting her sister what if she will judge how I look? Nah shes the baby sister of
Kanae who is kind maybe she will be same like her?

*Sigh* "ok here goes nothing" as I knocked at the large wooden door
And it opened I saw a girl the same uniform Kanae was wearing and she also has a butterfly hair clip!

"Oh,Nee-San! Your back" Shinobu said "Yes I am but u still need to attend in a meeting.will you take Y/n over here and show her bedroom and make the girls ready a bath" she said as she handed me two beautiful Kimono's

"Here you Y/n,I brought these earlier"
She said,I was really flattered that someone this kind will give me free clothes!

"AOI! Go tell the girls to clean the guest room and ready a bath!" Shinobu yelled

"Ok! Ma'am" the girl Aoi said
"Girls one of you go ready a guest room and two of you go ready a bath"
The telled the three girls near the hallway

"Come in Y/n" Shinobu said while invited me in "Ok I will go back to the Meeting" she said as she walked off
And waved goodbye to us two

"TAKE CARE NEE-SAN!" Shinobu yelled to her sister "The bathtub is ready Shinobu-sama" Aoi Said
"Ok come Y/n lets give you bath"
She said and gestured me to the room

"This is where you will stay the other door there is the bathroom which is ready for you already" Shinobu said with a smile

"Oh! Thank you very much for the hospitality!" I said also with a smile
"No problem just call me when you need me!" She said and walked off

《You dont know who I am right?》

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