Chapter 23: Back Again

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《Shinobu's POV》

"Shinobu-san!" Y/n called out to me while running towards me
"Y-Y/n!" tears form in my eyes. Finnally my little sister is Back Again

"You're back, where have you been" tears still pouring down my eyes so does she, shes crying her eyes out
"A-A demon t-took me-" she said between sniffles and sobs

I patted her back 'She must've been scared'

"Its ok...I'm here" hugging her tightly while comforting her, little did I know she already fell asleep in my arms. I placed her in the bed in the room I was temporarily staying in I coverd her with a blanket and called my crow

"Tell them that Y/n is back"

<Time Skip>

《Y/n's POV》

I woke up with my shoulder still hurting "Oh! Your awake!" Shinobu enveloped me into a hug  I hugged her back "So...are you gonna tell about what happend to your shoulder and why its coverd with bandages?" She let's go of the and then spoke in a worried tone.

I explained everything to her while her eyes widening at my crazy story,
"He actually liked you huh?" She asked veins pop on the side of her forehead, I nodded "And plus I always see him in my dreams- well not always thought"

"Hmm i see. Ok then let's head back to the slayer corps" she smiled at me

"So that outfit your wearing is his?" He pointed at my outfit
"Well seem like it" I got out of bed and stretched my arms

*CAW! CAW!* I heard a crow from outside and I saw Shinobu's crow, it landed on my hand and snuggled its head on my shoulder "What a sweetheart" I patted its head and it caws happily

"Well let's head back now before the sun sets" Shinobu got off the side of the bed and walked towards me

<Time skip>


"Um Shinobu can I have a short bathroom break?" I asked her I saw that she was packing her things already

"Oh, yeah sure!" She said with a smile
I sighed and went to the bathroom,
closing the door behind me

Sighing and staring at my reflection at 
the mirror "What did you do to me?"
Recalling a flashback back at Douma's Temple



Looking at the sky above me while standing up, I dont know where I am but I'm at a top of a hill. Feeling strong arms wrapped around me I looked behind me and saw Douma

"What are you doing here love?" He asked with his usual wide grin
"Meh I'm just looking at the sky, nothing more" he let's go of me and gestured for me to sit down next to him

Which I obliged.


Looking at my dear Y/n lovingly
I went behind her and I hugged her which startles her making her gasp in shock too

Burying my face in her neck inhaling her scent "W-what are you doing?!"
stuttering at sentence, seeing her face all red makes me want to hug her even tighter

"I'm hugging you ofcourse!" I said gleefully "I- What- Why?!" She asked again

"Cuz I want too" I said fake pouting
She sighed in defeat and gave in in my embrace, melting in my touch she my hand and compared her hand to mine

Ofcourse my is way bigger than hers
She smiled to herself seeing that her hand is WAY smaller than mine

"You know you should watch our nail when you hug me, they are quite sharp" titling her head a little to look at me since I'm behind her

"Well if I trimmed them they would just grow back!" I said looking at my light blue that fade into dark blue nails

She just hummed at me "I love you dearly"

-Flashback end-


seeing the memory of me and Douma hugging reflect on the mirror I blinked once again and the illusion was gone

*Knock Knock*

"Y/n are ok?" Shinobu asked
"Y-Yeah I'm fine" I sighed at opend the bathroom door and exit the bathroom

"Were  going back to the Corps"she said my eyes gleamed with joy
'I'm finnaly going back"

Wow,  this chapter has been in my drafts for 1 month
That pretty long

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