Chapter 13: I Can See The Finish Line

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《Y/n's POV》

I looked at the sky above me as I watched the sun sink down below stars began to show up sparkling and shining bright lighting up the sky,the moon also accompanied the stars shining bright it was a full moon today so the moon is shining as bright as ever

Taking exhales I try to maintain my constant breathing technique in order for my lungs to grow strong

While still looking above I decided to go to the village and just take a stroll
I got down from the roof and went to the village pathway

A few minutes later I arrived at the village,I love coming here just to take a walk to clear my mind

I walked pass some shops and sometimes taking a look at the things displayed on the window shop

I was looking at a beautiful necklace at the moment and saw it had a blue like ore in the middle shaped like a teardrop,and the chain is in the color of gold

I already new it was expensive so I just walked pass it.I then saw a ramen stand and decided to buy some after all i was quite hungry

I then asked the old man for one bowl of ramen and pay him right away as he was making the ramen I cant help but feeling that someone is watching me from on top of the roofs


As I try to look for a person or something on top on the roofs but I cant see anything

"Miss,your food is here" as I heard the man talk I immediately turned around to face him and saw that my food was here

"I may ask,are feeling as if your being watched?" He asked I was a shocked on how he knowed what I was feeling at the moment "how do you now?"

"Well many people say that sometimes they feel they are being watched by something or someone on top of the roofs, mostly females get that feeling of them being watched and they will come to me and ask if I saw something on top of the roofs. Since I get a pretty good view from up there. I tend to see things like cats up the roof clearly"

I still cant shake the feeling of being watched while the old man was talking

"And after they come to me they sometimes disappear into thin air,so you must be carefull always" he then added. Maybe it's a demon,maybe demons roam around here I need to come here more often to find out if it's really a demon

"Anyways eat your food before it gets cold"

After I finished my food I waved goodbye and walk back to the estate
*Ding* I heard the bell thing above the doors at the shop,when I looked to my left I saw someone entering the jewelry shop and same shop I looked at the beautiful necklace

'Somethinv feels off'

I then decided to just shrug it off and went back to the estate

<few minutes later>

I then opend the big large wooden doors I decided to give a another try on breaking the gourd

I then went to the training room and grabbed the gourd,as I blowed hardly on the gourd I heard cracks I used a breathing technique to create more pressure


Parts of the gourd exploded crescent moons also escape the gourd by eyes winded in shock that I actually broke the gourd

I then heard someone clapping

"Well done Y/n! Now that you have broken the gourd you can now go the final selection but you have to wait for 2 months since that's the date of the final selection" Shinobu said clapping her hands together

She then hugged me tight as ever
"Promise me to not die on the final selection?" I then hugged her back
"I promise"

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