Chapter 5: training hard

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"Good job Y/n!"



"Thank you Shinobu-San" I thanked her for her compliment

"Ok next is speed training and stamina" Kanae said,as I got in position to catch Shinobu
"3....2....1!" As I ran towards her in a blink of an eye she was gone and she already pinned me to the ground

"3....2....1!" As I ran again I felt her behind me I quickly dodged her like i did before as she fell to the ground I try to lounge at her and she was gone again

As i looked around and i saw her above me with her left arm stretched out to grab me. I quickly grab her arm while she was above the air still and pulled her down to the ground and then smashed her down on to ground


"OMG IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU" I said panicked because I didn't mean to hurt her

"No! It's ok Y/n no need to apologize!" She said she then got up "Wow you actually did pretty well Y/n for your first time!" Kanae complemented me
"Oh uh Thanks!...but umm Shinobu-San are you ok?" I asked again "Yes I'm completely fine"

As we went outside the estate i saw a running track

"Ok now let's test your stamina. You need to run around the track 3 times"
As you looked at the track it seems pretty easy until....

"Shinobu bring the things Y/n needs to jump over" as she called out to Shinobu as she brought crates that I need to jump over 'ok now it seems really hard'

As I got to starting line I ready my self to run as fast as I can

"3...2...1!" I then ran as fast as I cloud I then jump over the crate but jump was not high enough half of my foot got stuck on the crate I then fell down

"Oh! Y/n are you ok?!" Kanae asked with a concerned voice I can nodded as a response that I'm ok i then go back to the start line and I ready my self

"3...2...1" as I ran faster than ever i then placed my arm on top of the crate and used it like a stool to jump over it u then ran faster I then reached to the next obscatle i did the same to what i did before I placed my hand on top of the crate

'Huh...turns out crates are not the only obstacle I need to get through?"

As I slid down a pole and it through the pole and I saw more crates I then made it through the crates and then I saw a hill like obstacle that i need to go around it

I then stopped and and backed up a little bit i then ran as fast as i could as I climbed the hill like obstacle I landed on my feet I the continued the track

I finally saw the finnish line I then ran like there's no tomorrow

"LAP 1 FINNISHED!!" Kanae yelled to remind me that I have 2 laps left

As went around the track again


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