Chapter 27: Trust Issue's

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《3rd Person POV》

You are still being cradled by Douma who's having the best time of his life, You tried to get out of Douma's grasp but when you sets foot on the ground you quickly fell on the ground

"Y/n! Are you ok?" Shinobu kneeled down in front of you to check if your alright "I-Im fine, We should get going" you try to get up but you fail in doing so, Shinobu helped you sat up while patting your head like a child "Yeah we shou-"

"Wait! You aren't going to leave me here aren't you
Y/n?" Douma quickly protested on your statement "I still dont trust you" you replied back at Douma who's already making puppy eyes

"Please~ I'll be a good boy~" He tries to charm his way into you but you just wont budge, looked behind Shinobu and saw Giyuu on top of the tiger he soon got off the tiger and walked towards your direction

"What happend to her?" Giyuu asked while walking closer to Shinobu and you while the tiger followed when the tiger reached you it rubbed its head on you shoulder while purring in return to the affection you patted its head

"Hey! Dont ignore me Y/n!" Douma scoffed he dosent like being ignored by you, he wantd All your love and affection to himself

You sighed "So Nii-San should we? So he will stop bugging me" you stated while glaring at Douma, you knew if he had a tail it would be waging like crazy

"I dont know...I cant just let the man who murdered Kanae go inside our estate, plus he might hurt you" Shinobu looked at you sincerely "I'll...just stay in a different place then, if it makes you uncomfortable for him to stay there at the estate" you smiled at her
"So your telling me that this Demon will be staying with
Y/n? Nope I'm not allowing that to happen what if he wi-"

"Its her choice and own
decision, it's up to her not us plus she promises that she will stay in a different place and keep the Demon tamed" Giyuu butted in

"For a guy who's depressed you are a sweet one" you said to Giyuu "Its for saving my life back there" he replied back

"And for your information, my name is not 'Demon' its 'Douma' its rude to call me names you know!" He said with a disappointed face

"But your literary a Demon?" You raised an eyebrow at him
"B-But I have a name! And its clearly not 'Demon'!" He mentally slapped him self for stuttering

"Whatever you say" you replied while rolling your eyes which he responds with a 'Hmph!' Which you found quite adorable

"We better get going the sun is about to come up, we dont want him to burn in a crisp" you suggested, you thought to yourself you should get a basket to place Douma in since the journey is quite long you saw a basket made of straws "Nii-San can you please get that basket there?"

"Sure" she quickly went to the place where the basket is and also grabbed a nearby cloth and went back to you

"I assume it's for him?" She said and you just nodded in response "Uhh Douma can you like shrink down and fit inside?" You said while pointing out the basket your holding "Yes I can!" He said while shrinking down into a child size

'WHY DOES HE LOOK SO CUTE!? OH LORD IMA BOUT' TO BUST-' You thought to yourself as you looked at Douma with stars in your eyes with a slight pink blush dusted on your face

He looked at you confusingly on why you acted that way
'AUGHH- I CANT WITH THIS MAN!!' You used one of your hands to cover your pink flushed face

"Ne~ What's wrong Y/n?" He went close to you and rested on your lap "Uhh- umm- I uh-"
You feel steam exit your ears as you stutter at your words
Shinobu just looked at the two at you with a twitching eye while Rengoku just smiled his pain away

And Giyuu...hes just uhh minding his own business and petting the head of the tiger, you cleared your throat which caught Douma's attention "You better get in the basket you wont want too uhh burn-" you were caught off guard when the basket almost fell because Douma was too short to reach so he jumped but you caught the basket in time to not fall

"We should go" Rengoku helped you up and you held on the basket tightly so it wont fall Rengoku placed you on the back of the tiger and Giyuu rides behind you
(A/n: Dont get the wrong idea)

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