Chapter 8: Getting to Know You

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■6:50 AM■


As I woke up I noticed that my friends are still asleep...I then remembered the dream I had earlier
'OMG! I heard the lady say the mans name!'

I then slowly got out of bed trying my best not to wake my friends up,I then grabbed the sheet of paper I used to draw the man from my dreams

I stared at the drawing I made "Douma? that means I was KISSING HIM!?!?!?!?!?" I quickly covered my mouth since I just screamed at the top of my lungs from realizing it was me the lady in my dreams

I turned around and saw Mitsuri about to get out of bed 'Shit I woke her up!'

"Hey Y/n what's wrong? Why are you holding that peice of pape-" she then looked at the paper I was holding and realized that it was the drawing I did last night and saw that i also wrote his name on top of the paper

"Who's 'Douma'? " she asked I then replied with "oh umm yeah I sort of got to know his name in my dreams and ummm the next thing i saw was him kissing me...." i said awkwardly with a slight blush on my cheeks

"WHAAA- OMG WAS HE YOUR FUTURE LOVER?!?!?!" she asked with sparkles in her eyes
"SHHH- keep it down let's not wake up the others! It's like 6 in the morning!!" I said to her while putting my hand to cover her mouth

"Oh! Sorry sorry Tehee~" she said with a giggle I then playfully rolled my eyes and then spoke up and said
"Ok will you wake up the twins so we could train together?" I said to Mitsuri

She gave me a nod in response I then went to the bathroom to clean up I turned on the faucet and took off my cloths and went inside the tub

After I cleaned my self up I put on my training outfit and went outside the bathroom,when I exited the bathroom there I saw Mitsuri with Suki and Maki and Mitsuri was holding the paper i was holding earlier and another paper where Mitsuri was drawing something

I then went close to them to look at the paper to see what Mitsuri was drawing as I took a look my eyes widened and blush formed on my cheeks

I saw a drawing of me and the man from my dreams kissing me!

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?!" I said as I grabbed the paper from Mitsuris hands and looked at it once more

"PFFFT- Y/n is flustered!" Suki said while laughing her head off I then gave the paper back to Mitsuri and walked out the bedroom ofcourse they followed me and teased me about it as we walked through the long hallways to go to the training room

"You know what? I'll show it to Shinobu-San!" Naki said with a evil grin she then left the training to go get Shinobu

'Oh shit not good'

I just thought that nothing will happen right? I then grabbed my Katana and practiced some more and more with my crew

But suddenly


"Y/N!! WHO IS THIS?!" I heard Shinobu-Sans angry voice from afar as I turned my head around and saw she was dashing towards me

"WHOA COME DOWN SHINOBU-SAN!!!" As I ran as fast as I could in order for Shinobu not to catch me and beat the shit out of me sure she maybe small but shes real fast

"MIND EXPLAINING THIS!?" She shouted still chasing me

And she finally caught up to me and she tackled me to the ground and said
"THEN WHY ARE IN THIS DRAWING KISSING SOME RANDOM PERSON HUH?!" She said as she grabbed my ear "Owww! That hurts!"

"Omg! Your just a minor and your kissing random people in your dreams!?" She shouted

"OWWW! Ok ok clam down! In my dream I'm like 20 our something based on my features in my dreams!"

"Still though you just dont go kissing random people in dreams or in real life" she said worriedly and finally let's go of my ear

"Its ok I wont!" I said with a smile and assured her that I'm ok since my ears bleeded from her pinching my ears

"Hey Y/n you ok?" Maki asked me I then looked at her dead in the eyes

"I may or may not have said that he is your boyfriend and your gonna get married with...him" she said nervously

"Ah I see.....COME HERE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" I then chased around the training room while Suki and Mitsuri just watched us chase around like a cat trying to catch the mouse


《Time skip after chasing Naki around the training room》

(Somewhere in a demons temple

"Hmm I'll try and go to a village and transform into a child so no one would recognize me!" I then went out and searched for a perfect village


I decided to go outside the estate Mitsuri,Suki and Naki had already left and now I'm alone

I went to a nearby Village I then looked around the village with beautiful lights I then saw a boy who's about my age sitting on a bench eating dango

He had blond hair thats long with two beautiful rainbow eyes

'How odd he looks like the man in my dreams?'

I then decided to go and sit next to him while not looking suspicious

《Someones POV》

As ate my dango I thought
'This thing taste fucking bland'

As I forcefully ate my dango to blend in I saw a girl sit next to me she looks so beautiful and cute with her long
(h/c) and beautiful (e/c) shes the most perfect girl a guy would want

I should say something right?

"Its a beautiful evening dont you think?" I asked the girl right next to me

"Indeed it is" she replied "say...what's your name I may ask?" She then looked at me and and gave me a warm smile

'God shes so cute!'

"Y/n,Y/n Adachi" her name is beautiful too! God shes the girl of my dreams at this point "how about yours?" She asked

"Douma" I then replied

《Y/n POV》


"Douma huh?" I whispered to my self it's the same name from the guy in my dreams

"How about we go for a walk" the boy ask I then agreed he then took ny hand and we walked through the bustling village

"Do you like stargazing?" he asked
"Yeah I do that's what I do in my free time" I then replied to him

"Hee~ ok! Follow me" he then picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride
"Hey I can walk you know!"

"Heh! I know!" He then ran like there's no tomorrow he ran and ran until he were on top of a hill

"Wow it's so pretty" I said while staring at the sky above

"I'm glad you like it" he smiled

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