Chapter 26: What Happend To the Young Lovers?

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"Ready for round two love?"


My eyes widend in shock, I was still holding his head so i threw Douma in the air which shocks him I soon jump in the air also roundhouse kicking his head away from me, making a loud crash

Little ice demons appear behind his decapitated head who is kneeling down, "Shinobu! He's still alive!" I yelled to her she was shock and she knows it's bad when I scream her name instead of saying 'Nii-San'

"How?!" Renguko yelled out seeing Douma's body that is now recovered and his head is now on his body, little ice figures soon attack me and Shinobu
Rengoku is busy checking up on Giyuu to see if he can still survive until the fight is over

"I hope your ready darling~" he soon took his fans out, biting my inner cheek while trying to kill the ice figures they did some damage on me, making a cut on my shoulder and cheek

When Renguko was about to jump out the roof Douma soon charged at him
"Renguko-San!!" Shinobu tried to warn him that Douma is about to charge at him

Rengoku took the warning and jumped in the air on other to dodge Douma's attack "This fight isn't over yet!" Douma yelled in a monotone tone

《Shinobu POV》

I was busy fighting for my life because of the tiny ice figures Douma made to distract us from fighting him over Y/n

But I was too busy to notice Y/n was already shouting my name because Douma had summoned ice vines direct at me "NII-SAN! WATCH OUT!!"


"Y-Y/n" my eyes widend in horror instead of the vines stabbing right through me, Y/n took the attack and used her body as a shield for Me...

They soon start to cough up blood then fall on there knees, the vines stabbed them in the back so she was facing me

"NO NO NO! Y/N!!" I fell down on my knees to hug them "Hey...Its ok"

"NO! ITS NOT OK!!" I cried my eyes out, i wasn't just gonna let my sibling die like Kanae did "Please dont close your eyes!" I hugged them tightly, blood soon start to stain the clothes they borrowed from Douma


My eyes widend in shock...seeing Y/n hurt because of me "What have I done" I mumbled to my self, i dropped my fans and try to rush to Y/n's aid

But ofcourse one of the demon slayer try too stop me and it was the dude who's name was 'Rengoku'
"Dont come any closer" he yelled at me

"Listen...I wont hurt Y/n or the other girl, I can heal them In fact!" I try to convince him but he wont budge

"And why should I believe a Demon who just tried to kill us and Killed
Kanae-san?" I start to panic, I dont want Y/n to die, I want to spent my whole eternity with them and even have a family with them!

I decided to just push him aside and went straight to Y/n, but as soon I get close to them I was greeted with a sword pointed at my face

"Dont come any closer!! You filthy Demon!" The girl who supposed to be 'Shinobu'

"Listen I can heal them and save them!" Shinobu looked at me dead in the eyes, I saw Y/n tapped Shinobu on the shoulder "I know its weird....but you can trust him.....he healed me before-" Y/n said between coughs with blood coming out of there mouth

"If you can really save them, then I'll consider your request" my eyes probably gleamed with joy, Shinobu gave Y/n to me and I hugged them they soon let out a gasp of shock

"I'm so so so sorry love" I whispered into there ears and they seem to turn red a little by my actions "awe~ what's this red tint on your face?"

"shut up, just do you job before I change my mind" they responded back at me "If you say so~" I flipped them over and placed my hand on there back "Hey! what are you-"

"Im healing you ofcourse!" There back soon glowed in a light-ish blue color
"Now, your wounds aren't really fully healed, but my powers just help you recover and not die" I said to them while fliping them to face me and also patting there head

"T-Thank you Douma-San" they said while covering there face with there hands "Awe! You finnally said my name!"

*ahem* "you know I'm still here right?" Shinobu said while cocking an eyebrow at me "And me?" Rengoku said while cocking an eyebrow also

"Hehehe Whoops!"


' what is this warm feeling in my chest?'


'I missed this warm feeling in my chest'

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