Chapter 6: Creating my self

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♤this song slaps♤

Y/n's POV

As I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun shines bright

I then got out of bed I then got ready putted on my training outfit.i went to the training room and saw no one there I then decided to ask Aoi where is Kanae and Shinobu

She then said Kanae was on a mission and Shinobu is on her fourth mission I then decided to train myself I then grabbed a sword and set up a hay mannequin

I then backed up and ran to the mannequin and slashed its head down I then grabbed more mannequins to train with I ran to the mannequin and then grabbed it and throwed it in the air I jumped in the air with the mannequin I then

Gripped the sword tightly and raise it in the air and slashed the mannequin in half

I landed on the ground and the now sliced mannequin landed on the ground to

*Clap clap*

"Wow that was 'amazing' it's not like I can do that too" as I looked to the owner of the voice


"What do you want old man?" I replied to him

"Tsk....Old man?" He said with the evil grin "you didn't answer my question"

"I'm here for Kanae I need medicine for my dumbass brother who got a flu" he then answered my question

"Well your unlucky because shes not here" i then informed him "hmm ok"
He said and walked off

"Oh and by the way you wont survive the final selection because your to Weak" he then finally left the estate
'Weak?! Ohhh I'll show him who's weak,once I create my stlye I'll kick his ass!'

I then continued training. I trained and trained sweat dripping down my for head I then decided on trying to think of what forms I will create for my breathing stlye

"How about First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace?" I then got up and standed up I then holded my sword
I plan to slash my sword vertically

*Breathes in*

"First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Pala-"

"AHH- shit that hurts guesse lungs are not ready yet. Hmm maybe I should try what Kanae said,what was it again
Concentration bteathing?" As I breathed in and out she also said to do it everyday and every time

"I'm hungry I should make myself a meal" I then exited the training room and went down the long hallway and to the kitchen

I then saw Aoi making redbean buns I then said "Hey uh Aoi can i get one?" I asked her she then looked at me and then gave me nod as a response that I can get one

I then grabbed one "Wha! These are so delicious!" I complemented her
"Thank you Y/n-San,say have you created your own breathing yet?" She asked me

"No,not yet my lungs are not ready yet it hurts when I try it i try to to the concentration breathing thing Kanae-San said it will my lungs expand" I replied to her question

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